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DAYTONA USA 2019 HD Textures pack by stf999 (ElSemi's Model2Emu or Nuexzz hack)
stf999 a répondu à un(e) sujet de stf999 dans ROMS & ISO
Lots of details in the work to recreate the full Daytona USA experience in HD, based on Daytona fans' requests. I feel like a slave for this project lol. I didn't expect so much interest. Feel free to comment or request here too, I'm listening to everyone to try to make the best graphic patch ! -
DAYTONA USA 2019 HD Textures pack by stf999 (ElSemi's Model2Emu or Nuexzz hack)
stf999 a répondu à un(e) sujet de stf999 dans ROMS & ISO
Now full respect for the original game and fans ! All 10 different playable cars have their logo colorized with the original colors -
DAYTONA USA 2019 HD Textures pack by stf999 (ElSemi's Model2Emu or Nuexzz hack)
stf999 a répondu à un(e) sujet de stf999 dans ROMS & ISO
New (big) fans request : Redo the textures for the Hornet Car (Hornet + Bee + Gallop Racing) to allow the Model 2 to colorize them itself. With the blue car HORNET is green and the bee is yellow, with the yellow car HORNET becomes blue and the bee green, etc... In link mode all those colors change again depending on the driven car. ... W.I.P. (creating these HD textures from scratch in negative black & white)... -
DAYTONA USA 2019 HD Textures pack by stf999 (ElSemi's Model2Emu or Nuexzz hack)
stf999 a répondu à un(e) sujet de stf999 dans ROMS & ISO
A few fans have requested the Casino elements in the Beginner course, I don't really know why I changed them (I love SegaSaturn). That's done ! Same thing for the dice... I'll still apply the SegaSaturn & Rubik's Cube textures on the "Daytona USA Saturn Adds" rom. -
[Emu] Sega Model 3 : Supermodel GIT release (Arcade PC)
stf999 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Merci pour la réponse ! Je me souviens avoir testé des builds d'autres sites avec de fortes distorsions de son lors de mes 1er essais. Voilà pourquoi je voulais poser cette question, car les vôtres se démarquent par leur qualité Merci bien, et top job pour le force feedback ! -
[Emu] Sega Model 3 : Supermodel GIT release (Arcade PC)
stf999 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Bonjour Spindizzi ! Cela fait un petit moment que j'utilise tes builds. Je vois sur le site de Supermodel que ceux de Jiterdomer sont attendus par certains comme des références... Y-a-t-il une différence majeure avec les tiens ? (perso je n'en vois aucune, dans le sens où tout fonctionne à merveille dans les deux cas). Merci beaucoup en tout cas ! -
DAYTONA USA 2019 HD Textures pack by stf999 (ElSemi's Model2Emu or Nuexzz hack)
stf999 a répondu à un(e) sujet de stf999 dans ROMS & ISO
Sega Rally championship will be the next one -
DAYTONA USA 2019 HD Textures pack by stf999 (ElSemi's Model2Emu or Nuexzz hack)
stf999 a répondu à un(e) sujet de stf999 dans ROMS & ISO
Thanks Ginzu -
DAYTONA USA 2019 HD Textures pack by stf999 (ElSemi's Model2Emu or Nuexzz hack)
stf999 a répondu à un(e) sujet de stf999 dans ROMS & ISO
Is this because of my bad english ? -
DAYTONA USA 2019 HD Textures pack by stf999 (ElSemi's Model2Emu or Nuexzz hack)
stf999 a répondu à un(e) sujet de stf999 dans ROMS & ISO
Hi 68hc11 ! Have you been successful with your texture replacement ? -
DAYTONA USA 2019 HD Textures pack by stf999 (ElSemi's Model2Emu or Nuexzz hack)
stf999 a répondu à un(e) sujet de stf999 dans ROMS & ISO
1st post edited with the download links ! -
DAYTONA USA 2019 HD Textures pack by stf999 (ElSemi's Model2Emu or Nuexzz hack)
stf999 a répondu à un(e) sujet de stf999 dans ROMS & ISO
Video added in the 1st post. Release date : 1st February, 2019 -
DAYTONA USA 2019 HD Textures pack by stf999 (ElSemi's Model2Emu or Nuexzz hack)
stf999 a répondu à un(e) sujet de stf999 dans ROMS & ISO
ASAP, promised !... Some of the last changes : - The animated people (seen in the pit in "Beginner" circuit or on the bridge in "Advance" circuit, too fluorescent). - The fir trees in the Beginner circuit . ... -
DAYTONA USA 2019 HD Textures pack by stf999 (ElSemi's Model2Emu or Nuexzz hack)
stf999 a répondu à un(e) sujet de stf999 dans ROMS & ISO
@ 68hc11 : Imagine you want to replace The São Paulo Avertising (see below) - Launch the game with ElSemi's Model2Emu in windowed mode - Start a race and run until the texture you want to replace appears on screen - When you reach the texture, go to the Model2Emu's menu on top of the game, select "Game", then clic on "Dump texture cache" - Stop the game, open the folder "TEXCACHE" in the Model2Emu folder: the texture you want + all the textures around in the scene appear as black & white PNG files with addresses as names The São Paulo textures are : 8144019_BB3F464F.png (red texture) + 8166019_E487A537.png (yellow texture) In this case you find two textures because the Daytona Engine (or Model 2 ?) can't give more than one colour to a texture, so one texture will be colored in red, the other one in yellow. - Now you can replace the SAO PAULO texture by a picture of your choice, respect as much as possible the original ratio (64x256 pixels can be replaced by a picture sized 128x512 pixels for example), use PNG format ! ! In this particular case, the "Yellow" picture will be above the "Red" one, so replacing the 8166019_E487A537 picture will matter, the other one can be replaced by a small blank or transparent picture. - Watch how the picture is oriented and reversed and respect this (Use an editor) - Create a "script" folder in the Model 2 Emu folder if it doesn't already exist (but it should) - Create a daytona.pat file (a simple text file with the .txt extension replaced by .pat) (if you want to apply your change on Daytona clones, just create other pat files (daytonam.pat, daytonas.pat, same names as the zipped roms) In your .pat file write this : 8166019 E487A537 1 myreplacedtexture.png meaning 8166019 E487A537 : the name of the original texture given by the dump, without the "_" 1 : The way the texture is colored or illuminated (shader mode 0, mode 1, mode 2,... ) (more information in model2lua.txt, see below), I had to modify my own shaders for a few textures displayed too dark... myreplacedtexture.png : your PNG file, give it the name you want. - Place your replacement PNG and your .pat file in the "script" folder. - Play and enjoy your change... model2lua.txt -------------- Texture replacement The texture replacement file is a file named like the romset ended in .pat in the SCRIPTS folder (ex: daytona.pat) Each line of the file indicates a texture replacement. The format is ID1 ID2 Format Filename ID1 and ID2 are the ID pair used to identify the texture to replace Format is 0 if you replace the texture with a grayscale texture, so it's handled through the model2 coloring pipeline (like original ones) 1-15 if your texture is already colored. A Pixel Shader with name mode_x.ps (with x equal to the number you specified) will be used to color the texture. Some samples are provided: mode_1.ps is an example of linear lighting (the way 1.0 version colored this textures). mode_2.ps is an example of lighting through the luminance conversion table specified in the game (see the shader comments). There is no restriction to the size of the new texture (apart from your videoram) Filename is the name of the file to use as texture (.png). Alpha transparency is supported for Colored textures. In order to make a texture replacement, you need to know the ID pair of the texture you want to replace. To know the ID pair, first dump the texture cache from a running game using the Game menu option "Dump texture cache". This will dump the cached textures in png format to the TEXCACHE folder. The file name of the dumped files is ID1_ID2.png that way you can get the IDs and the corresponding texture as base for replacement. The .pat files are read on game load, so you need to re-load a game to see the new textures. You can start a line with // indicating a commented line,and it will not be processed -
DAYTONA USA 2019 HD Textures pack by stf999 (ElSemi's Model2Emu or Nuexzz hack)
stf999 a répondu à un(e) sujet de stf999 dans ROMS & ISO
@Pookerman Thanks for the kind words on the "screenshot site" !! I'm doing my best to share it quickly, but I'm a little perfectionnist and I don't give anything before I'm 100% satisfied In fact it can be considered as 99,9% finished : I didn't want to show pictures before the release but my best friends (and testers lol) thought that I was a bit long to decide to release and that it would be a good idea to show my work a little bit during the time I look at the last details... PS: je suis français... -
DAYTONA USA 2019 HD Textures pack by stf999 (ElSemi's Model2Emu or Nuexzz hack)
stf999 a répondu à un(e) sujet de stf999 dans ROMS & ISO
Hi ! It will be a simple mediafire link, no glory. (a zipped "script" folder to be placed in Model 2 Emu folder (or Nuexzz's Daytona++ folder) ... Sega Racing Classic... no sorry ! This has been only possible for me with model 2 emu (it gives the ablility to extract & replace a texture of your choice). This emulator still rocks nowadays. The best thing would have been applying the textures on the XB360 or PS3 version of Daytona, with no clipping... Model 2 Emulator Nuexzz' hack -
DAYTONA USA 2019 HD Textures pack by stf999 (ElSemi's Model2Emu or Nuexzz hack)
stf999 a posté un sujet dans ROMS & ISO
This is a HD texture pack for use with Elsemi's MODEL 2 emulator or with Nuexzz's Daytona USA++ patch. This pack has been created with a lot of respect for the original game, its creators, its fans. Download link for ElSemi's Model2 emu (with widescreen option & cheats): -- CLICK HERE -- Download link for Nuexzz's Daytona USA++ patch: -- CLICK HERE -- Download link for the Texture pack only: -- CLICK HERE -- Chacun des liens contient un fichier Readme en français Note: The download for ElSemi's Model2 emulator contains a clean "scripts" folder with LUA files for all the games (with widescreen options, cheats, scanlines), the texture pack, the original necessary files. Replace the original "scripts" folder by this new one. Please read the Readme file ! The download for Nuexzz's D++ patch contains a clean "scripts" folder with LUA files generated by the patch, the texture pack, the original necessary files. Replace the original "scripts" folder by this new one. Please read the Readme file ! The download with the texture pack only is for people having created their own LUA files, or having texture packs for other games, etc... (It is also a good option for people using the new Model2 UI made by Nuexzz). Copy all the files (PNG+PAT+PS) to your customized (or not) "scripts" folder. Please read the Readme file for the mode_14 recommendation ! The textures will be easily recognizable as their name starts by DU_ (Daytona USA). Ex : DU_BEG_Wall.png means Wall in the Beginner Circuit of Daytona USA. I'll start Sega Rally after a pause, the textures will be named SR_..._... .png) Have a nice time ! SCREENSHOTS GALLERY AND WORK IN PROGRESS : -- CLICK HERE --