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  1. If you use Demulshooter files (see wiki) just press 5 to insert coin
  2. if help, I had black with big question marks... I download the new file shared, put all on F:/sega edited game.ini file to change path from c:/sega to f:/sega and no more black big question mark
  3. Isn't AMD issue, I have same on Nvidia
  4. emulor

    DCOP. (another FMV Rail shooter)

  5. Who have windows 10/11 try run game in Windows 7 compatibility mode if solve problems
  6. emulor

    Until The Last Bullet

    And soon in Spring/2025 from same Developer:,489,en
  7. Any way to remove Crosshair ?
  8. emulor

    Rhythm Hunter QED

    game start with menu to change resolution, but can't change... Any other option?
  9. emulor

    Santa's Great Gifts

    You may use Aurora Store ( ) Set option to not delete files after download (no need to install on mobile, just download), and then transfer files from Aurora Download Folder to PC
  10. emulor

    Santa's Great Gifts

  11. emulor

    Santa's Great Gifts

  12. emulor

    THE FOG [lightgun game]

  13. In the test menu there is a language option.... There is a video on YouTube of someone changing the options in the game settings test menu, so I asked if anyone knew how to do it, as I can't. Furthermore, is there an English version, or are we not talking about the same game?
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