I did check via ldd WMN4r, have everything I needed except for the first 3 ones.
Will try this and report my findings!
@Arcade_mAniaC what's the permission set for the files and folders? 774? I set them as 775 but when running as sudo it says ./WMN4r: command not found
I tried using LD_PRELOAD=./mt4hasp.so WMN4r and it gives me this
home@ubuntu:~/WMN4/WMN4$ LD_PRELOAD=./mt4hasp.so WMN4r
ERROR: ld.so: object './mt4hasp.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
WMN4r: command not found
It doesn't run natively on windows; you require linux as the base in order to run. The windows for VM is meant for your controller/wheels.
EDIT: this is the latest one I've ventured to so far. Any ideas?
home@f-ubuntu:~/WMN4/WMN4$ LD_PRELOAD=./mt4hasp.so ./WMN4r
./WMN4r: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libCgGL.so: no version information available (required by ./WMN4r)
./WMN4r: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libCg.so: no version information available (required by ./WMN4r)
Starting up Wrapper...
[WMN4S:Inf][ MessageDBManager ] :: [ MessageDBManager ]
[WMN4S:Inf]****** Start WMN4 ******
[WMN4S:Inf]****** SVNR : 11006 ******
[WMN4S:Inf] mucha: worker: starting...
[WMN4S:Inf] mucha: worker: started
[WMN4S:Inf] mucha: Initialize(): finish
[WMN4S:Wng] monitor.server: init(): hwclock is unknown
[WMN4S:Inf] monitor.server: LANG=C;/usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/arcadepkgkey /opt/arcade/exec/v388-arcade.gpg v388-publisher >/dev/null 2>&1
ERROR: ld.so: object './mt4hasp.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
[WMN4S:Inf]Sys_Foundation::SetLocale(): find LocaleJP.txt
[WMN4S:Inf]Sys_Foundation::SetLocale(): set 0
[WMN4S:Inf]Sys::Capture::Initialize() : finish
[WMN4S:Inf] network: certificate_file=/home/home/WMN4/WMN4/data/Network/certs/v388-ca-cert.pem
[WMN4S:Inf] network: initialize(): now initializing...
[WMN4S:Inf] local: v388.protobuf.Message: pcb_id_max=4
[WMN4S:Inf] network: update RPC channel=https://localhost/method/
[WMN4S:Inf] network: update Resource channel=https://localhost/resource/
[WMN4S:Inf] network: initialize(): finish
[WMN4S:Inf]Sys::Initialize() : finish
[WMN4S:Inf]******** JVIO START ********
[WMN4S:Inf]******** JVIO START ********
[WMN4S:Inf]******** JVIO START ********
[WMN4S:Inf]**** DeviceSetting::Initial ****
[WMN4S:Inf][FS] load request sim:data/Device/DeviceParam.lua
[WMN4S:Inf][FS] load finish sim:data/Device/DeviceParam.lua (2 KB)
[WMN4S:Inf][FS] load end callback sim:data/Device/DeviceParam.lua (2 KB)
[WMN4S:Inf][FS] load request sim:data/Device/DeviceSetting.lua
[WMN4S:Inf][FS] load finish sim:data/Device/DeviceSetting.lua (5 KB)
[WMN4S:Inf][FS] load end callback sim:data/Device/DeviceSetting.lua (5 KB)
[WMN4S:Inf]Jvio SerialParam port(2)[/dev/tnt0],Baud(115200) charsize(8) stopbit(0) Parity(0) hardflow(FALSE)
[WMN4S:Inf]Str2 SerialParam port(0)[/dev/ttyS0],Baud(19200) charsize(8) stopbit(0) Parity(0) hardflow(FALSE)
[WMN4S:Inf]Card SerialParam port(1)[/dev/ttyS1],Baud(38400) charsize(8) stopbit(0) Parity(2) hardflow(TRUE)
[WMN4S:Inf]3mts SerialParam port(0)[/dev/ttyS0],Baud(9600) charsize(8) stopbit(1) Parity(0) hardflow(FALSE)
[WMN4S:Inf]iccd SerialParam port(3)[/dev/ttyS3],Baud(9600) charsize(8) stopbit(1) Parity(0) hardflow(FALSE)
[WMN4S:Inf]iccv SerialParam port(1)[/dev/ttyS1],Baud(9600) charsize(8) stopbit(1) Parity(0) hardflow(FALSE)
[WMN4S:Inf]**** DeviceSetting::Initial OK ****
[WMN4S:Inf]GetParam3 = 0
[WMN4S:Inf]GetParam4 = 0,0,1,38400,8,0,2,0,
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key[WMN4S:Err] monitor.server: init(): failure: arcadepkgkey
ERROR: ld.so: object './mt4hasp.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)