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  1. It shocks me that they released a lightgun shooter witout any rawinput support which is mind boggling!
  2. I tested TC5 via TP works fine but the audio language is in Japanese. How do i change that in English?
  3. Hey Guys! Check out my concise yet detailed review of the Logitech G29 Racing Wheel and it's Driving Force Shifter. The video also features it's usage on different Emulators. Hope you guys will Enjoy the review! If Enjoy Content like this, Please make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel.
  4. Thanks but that's the Gun4IR discord.
  5. Guys can anyone help me with this?
  6. Ok guys i downloaded the 2P Sinden patch as i wanted to test my Wii motes (on Mode 2) out. Unfortunately when i press the F1 to activate the custom menu the patch allows you to the game crashes. Secondly I am a noob when it comes to AHK scripts, is there a way where i can somehow assign my Wii mote buttons or my D-pad to change weapons and etc.? If so how to do i do it? Thanks
  7. I read somewhere that once the Sinden patch is applied the sensitivity setting in-game has no effect and becomes useless. Is it true?
  8. Any chance this could work with dual Wii motes? I did not use the sinden patch for my single Wiimote experience.
  9. Yeah unless there is a demulshooter script for this game the touchmote thing may not work.
  10. I have 2 dolphin bars. Is there a way I can use 2 wii motes? Does the demulshooter support HOTD Remake?
  11. @ginzu Can you look into this for 2-player Wiimote experience? Have you tried this with 2 Wiimotes for a 2-player experience?
  12. @ginzu is there a way to play this with Wii notes?
  13. Tried it with ryujinx and for me the performance is all over the place (slightly better performance in performance mode) even on my i7 8700. The most annoying thing is the "floaty" cursor which makes it almost very difficult to play.I hope someone can find a way to play this with Wii motes.
  14. I am running on the brodostar build 4.0-310.1-x64. There are no errors, just massive slowdowns. I tried running the game on Dolphin 5.0 all i got was a black screen and a bunch of errors. Can you share you dolphin build ?
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