@connor @pucci or Mr Multi accounts, the next one who gives me a list as long as my arm, I'll give him moderation by an admin for life. I'm really going to start being more aggressive towards parasites on the forum, watch out. I no longer have the patience for this bullshit.
If you want games to work under Teknoparrot, asking here won't make that happen. Ask on the Teknoparrot discord, if you're not already banned there!
The admins who are on Emuline and the Admin / Dev on the Teknoparrot discord are more than tired of seeing you, asking and insisting on lists that make no sense.
Devs who work on TEKNOPARROT are free to do what they want. Doing what you do annoys the members and especially the Devs, you disgust them to the highest degree. Respect them! You don't deserve the work they do!