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Tout ce qui a été posté par GaussTek

  1. If it's ok to post them, here are the board_storage.bin files for Sailor Zombie and Dark Escape 4D Dark Escape 4D - board_storage.rar Sailor Zombie - board_storage.rar
  2. Thanks a lot!!! Having Gecko codes is a lot nicer for me. Thanks for all the work you are doing on this
  3. Is there a Gecko code for the Card hang fix (US version)? (to use in the latest build) Thanks a bunch
  4. So, right now only tutorial and training are the only ones playable, is that correct? Can't select any other things from main menu.
  5. Thank you so much for all your hard work on this. Been able to play these games at all is a dream already, so thanks for everything. Just one question, the Gun games build available in the first post is the most recent / final one, is that correct? Or can you upload the final build? I'm guessing it will be hard to implement the gun emulation to the main RPCS3 build for a while, but hopefully it can happen soon. Thanks again
  6. I saw in the link that usb dongle info is needed, is that inputed in the same location as the OMED build (in Virtual file system -> dev usb part?), or how does that work here?
  7. Thank you for the help guys! Calibrating the gun did the trick and worked fine!!
  8. Thank you!!! That worked, the new board_storage file did the trick. Now, sorry again, but how exactly the gun/mouse controls work? The cursor is stuck at the top left corner. Moving the mouse makes the cursor to move a little but it just stays there. Probably I'm missing something obvious, or is there additional config to be done? I'm using the gun build btw.
  9. Thanks a lot for the hard work!! I'm also stuck at the 19-1 system error with Sailor Zombie. I already added the board_storage.bin in the dev_hdd1/caches folder. When tried to look at the dongle info on Manage --> Virtual File System, there's already some info placed, but I'm guessing that's wrong and that's what I have to edit? Dunno what to do at this stage :c Thank you again, this project is just amazing and deserve lots of love! ❤️ Edit. I noticed the board_storage.bin file attached in the post above is the exact same for DE4D and Sailor, perhaps that's the issue?
  10. Do you have any download links for these dumps? Thanks!!
  11. Sorry for the bump 🙏, does anyone have a Dark Escape 4D dump or is that one still not publicly available? Thank you!!
  12. Updated my post with more codes from other games I found in the latest pages (the ones required at least) . If there's one of them that is wrong just tell me.
  13. For the sake of preservation, which is very important, I'm trying to compile all the codes (optional an required) for Dolphin Triforce by @mamefan2018(thanks for all the hard work, you are amazing!!) As I'm only interested in the MK games, I've only stored the ones for those games. It's somewhat hard to track in the thread the ones for the other games (which are required), so if someone can post them below, I'll add them here. All of them are Gecko codes than can be added as a cheat in Dolphin. Mario Kart Arcade GP Slowdowns Fix (Required) 041b2238 60000000 Link Check Skip (Optional) 04032410 60000000 Skip boot checks (Optional) 040320fc 60000000 Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 Slowdowns Fix (US - Required) 04086150 60000000 Link Check Skip (US - Optional) 0402eb6c 60000000 Skip boot checks (US - Optional) 0402e858 60000000 --- Slowdowns Fix (JPN - Required) 04086768 60000000 Link Check Skip (JPN - Optional) 0402ebcc 60000000 Skip boot checks (JPN - Optional) 0402e8b8 60000000 Virtua Striker 2002 Force Japan Version 04054234 60000000 Virtua Striker 4 Bypass boot (VS4 Japan) 0405214c 60000000 Fix crashes 0403b5d8 60000000 Virtua Striker 4:Ver. 2006 Bypass Boot (Japan - rev d) 040568D8 60000000 Thanks again for all the hard work. Like I mentioned if someone can post the missing codes for the other games I'll add them to the list. Edit. Updated with more codes!
  14. Guys, can you help me testing one game on RPCS3? It's Sega Rally Online Arcade. Looking for other people trying it, it looks like it works fine for them, but no one mentions this issue. Just wanted to know if this is an issue on my end, or if it's a glitch within the emu, or if I need some specific settings. Using default settings (Vulkan, etc.) and latest version, the game always freezes at the initial loading screen (see screenshot), HOWEVER, if I close it and restart the game, it then works just fine. I have to do this every time I open the emulator (wait to freeze on loading screen, then restart the game). Not so big deal, but it's annoying. Like I said no one is reporting this issue or can't find anything about it. Can someone check if the game boots just fine for you and on what settings? Thank you!
  15. OMGG, thanks for all the hard work!! Tested them and now the games work great even on latest builds. Yeah, I agree, the less patches the better, but it's still nice to have this as an option. And you are right! 😳 I thought the games freezed when trying to enter test mode but they just take a lot more to get into it lol
  16. Yep, always using portable to keep my configs safe. By the way, if anyone wants to use the newest builds for any reason, here's the patch to disable the NamCam in Mario Kart AGP2. The NamCam patch has always been included for MKAGP1 as default, so it's a little weird the patch was removed for MKAGP2 anyway lol [OnFrame] $Disable NAMCAM 0x805986E5:byte:0x00000000 0x80073BD8:dword:0x98650025 [OnFrame_Enabled] $Disable NAMCAM
  17. Thanks guys!! I will keep the old february 10 build (this is the good one, right?) and I'll just test newer versions to see if stuff gets fixed, etc. Still hopefully crediar fixes the issues! Btw, it would be cool if someone can do a single post with a collection of all working codes for each game. It's becoming harder to find them across the thread now :C
  18. New version released: I now cannot access the test menu from both Mario Kart games. Just a black screen when trying to get into them. Works fine in yesterday build. Can anyone confirm MK test menus aren't working in latest build? (in case I'm doing something wrong). Edit. Mario Kart GP 2 is somewhat broken on the latest build on a clean install. As cam isn't disabled by default, and you cannot access the test menu, you cannot disable it until the error shows up, so yeah, this is a regression 😞. I don't remember if there's a patch to disable namcam? Can anyone post it? As it seems its needed again.
  19. Thanks for all the hard work!! Tested them and they work perfect. It's nice to have a cleaner way to run these games. Hopefully the slowdown gets fixed in future builds so we only need to use the optional link check skip code 😄 Thank you again!
  20. You are right, thank you! Anyway, the patches are still needed for the slowdown I guess :c
  21. So, noticed this from the changelog from latest build: *Remove some unused patches for MKGP2 Now with the default build patches (enabled), MKAGP2 doesn't boot anymore, it gets stuck in the camera check, so IT'S REQUIRED to use the patches posted here (worked fine on the first builds). Even then with the additional patches enabled, there's now a wait on the camera screen (like 10 seconds so no big deal). So it seems we get a step forward an another backward with each build 😞 It would be cool to pin the patches or something like that so doesn't get lost in the thread, as was having a hard time finding them on previous pages :c Also, Virtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 controls are still inverted e.e
  22. Thank you for the new patches!! Those work great, the 60 seconds wait was a bit annoying indeed lol
  23. Press the brake button in that screen (usually the Left Trigger or depending how you assigned it), so it doesn't take a picture in the next screen. After that press Accel to confirm and it won't crash anymore!
  24. This worked for me too, thanks! In MK AGP1, you need to create a card so the photo selection option screen shows up, then press brake so it doesn't take a picture. Now, I think it doesn't save right? When I select "I have a card" on a second boot, it doesn't let me to select it :(. Also, does anyone know how to skip the PCB 60 seconds test screen? Or isn't possible? Either way, this is great progress so far, hopefully this gets updated more to sort all the issues, and it doesn't get abandoned like the last time
  25. This is amazing!! Tried MKAGP2 and works fine with patches, however, MKAGP 1 crashes the whole emu after the character selection, and I also have the game patches enabled, any idea?
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