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  1. Hi Nohero, Thanks for this details, so you mean there is a way to 'block' win10 to version 1803 ? By the way did you setup dual screen ? My goal is main screen 1080p second screen pvm for Fightcade Thanks again
  2. :( This means I will need to find a way to have Win10, CRT Emudriver, Fightcade2, and Parrot/Jconfig on the same Machine :( Win 7 would be perfect to avoid uncontrolled OS update Thanks for the answer !
  3. Dear all, Did someone confirm this can be run on Win7 64Bits ? I try but everytime I fix a missing DLL, got error, and never lauch Thanks !
  4. Great thx ! I tried but for the issue with Xaudio2_8.dll Downloaded one from win8 but still no luck Should I unzip all files on C: directly ? Or can I at least create a folder Kof14 ? Thanks.
  5. Bonjour a tous, Avez vous réussi a le faire fonctionner sur Windows 7 ? Merci Did someone get it working on Win7 please ? Thanks.
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