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ultimatepump a gagné pour la dernière fois le 18 août 2019

ultimatepump a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

1 abonné

À propos de ultimatepump

  • Date de naissance 17/12/1976

Profile Information

  • hobbies
    Alienware laptops, emulation, arcades, drones, all things videogame
  • Hardware

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ultimatepump's Achievements


Enthusiast (6/14)

  • Conversation Starter Rare
  • Dedicated Rare
  • Very Popular Rare
  • Reacting Well Rare
  • First Post Rare

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Thank you very much. Very appreciated.
  2. I am also T-800 CSM 101. You know where I'm from. They are both fishing games and please don't type things that make people feel stupid. Not cool. Man... Discord timed me out for SEVEN HOURS?@?!
  3. I am also T-800 CSM 101. You know where I'm from. They are both fishing games and please don't type things that make people feel stupid. Not cool.
  4. It is a fishing game. What's with the attitude? You're much nicer on Discord. I did find it on my own thanks. I swear, everyone is getting nasty in this scene.
  5. Whaaaaa? Is this just an image or is it playable? Been waiting for this one.
  6. Man, I hope Harpoon Lagoon from ICE gets dumped one day.
  7. How do we get full screen back? It plays in this little box.
  8. ultimatepump

    Harpoon Lagoon?

    YES. Went to Dave amd Busters yesterday and got the jellyfish! 1000 tickets!!!
  9. Thanks! Now I just need to figure out how to do that. Appreciate it. Never done this... Auto Hotkey? Trying to figure it out.
  10. Hi, How do I press start? I don't have a numbpad to press 1, only the numbers under my F keys and it does nothing.
  11. I understand Demulshooter is for light guns, but can we also instead use a mouse?
  12. Is there a certain version of the full game? Each time I play the polygons are all messed up and the screen is just a mess. I tried the 4k mod and for me, Crapola. Is there a compiled version that we can just play? I'm guessing O not putting the files in the right place.
  13. Ok, thanks for answering nicely.
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