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  1. hi guys , just wondering what spec to run these games at full speed, (i know my computer old lol) what resolution are these native or can we go higher. thankyou my specs are i7 3700k 4ghz 750ti 16gb ram windows 10
  2. hi ,i dont know if i am asking in the right place ,but i am looking for a version of these games, that work i have downloaded a few diffrent versions. thanks you gaia attack 4 - runs fine then crashes after the demo or pushing start gundam zero - i think i need version with jconfig haunted museum 2 - cant find file hmuseum
  3. thanks man
  4. hi , i have a few graphics bugs in starwars arcade, on hoth level gliching, i have both quad rendering and new 3d engine turned on. also is there a way to stop the black screen on level 1 thankyou
  5. also looking for this
  6. i think mame emulates 5 laserdisc games mach 3, fire fox,lupin,cube quest, us vs them. mame ver 228
  7. can we run this on windows 7 yet
  8. i am running tekkno parrot all working and up to ps2 ,game cube , you shuld hit 1080p with that spec, and i could run almost anything on the intel onboad graphics not teknoparrot tho but (mame,psp,gamecube,ps1, saturn and below)but i would et a grafics card to run your games with shaders/better resolution that will make them look better , i would recomend a better setup then what i got. good luck myspec win7 16gb rame i7 3770k asus mb gf 750ti
  9. hi guys can someone please make me some bat files that work with the following games, i have tryed and cannot get these games to work. i have all the other games working with singe 2 because they came with bat files. i could just drop into the folder with the game and they worked. these other games dont have a bat file from the singe 2 site conan daitarn 3 dragons lair tv dragon trainer english audio samurai jack english audio puss in boots platton thanks
  10. hi guys, i am just sorting my hyperspin laserdisc collection and puting it together in one wheel , i have the 4k dragons lair 1+2 space ace etc from lizard king and looking super solid. now for the rest of the games should i use singe 2 and delete the old singe 1 set. is there differnces ie (better qaulity videos,gameplay etc ) between the two. do the american laser games in singe 2 have better picture quality compeard to singe one. what should i keep also i am looking for a full list of bat files for singe 2 ,to launch the games through hyperspin if anyone has them . thanks for your time
  11. thanks lizard king these are amazing loving these converstions , like the post above , i too as a kid used to play this in the arcades when it was working or could afford it.we had a great arcade in southend on sea with most of the games you find in mame, but space ace,dragons lair was rare cos they broke so easy cos the laser disc . we had a sit down corba command aswell down there. keep up the good work mate all the best
  12. i hope so, looks great, i am also looking for a patched version thanks
  13. i would also like the full set of roms for r845 thanks
  14. thanks mate never played it , cant wait merry xmas to u all and happy new year
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