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  1. I use v1.40b, but like I'll try testing it again today. Unless there's a way to get it to work properly, otherwise no issues with any other song. Just xhronoxapsule :C
  2. I believe before I adjusted to Exceed Gear, I had somewhat a similar issue with my Faucetwo when I used to play on VW. Have you tried making your VOL-L (left/right) both on X+ and VOL-R (left/right) to Y+? I had to troubleshoot my issue initially where when I reach the end of the knob's zone (ie; going all the way to the left, it would stutter to the right for a second then continue going left) but that resolution above was how I was troubleshooting if that's what you're asking help about.
  3. Yeah I did notice that, but I was wondering why it was creating a new folder to start off with, and after deleting the folder and relaunching the game it continues to build that directory. Not sure why they couldn't just go towards the one that's already in the folder but that's not a problem I guess. No issues so far other than my OCD lmao. Also it seems the issue is back again.. trying re-updating sdvx@asphyxia and tried to "re-update" the game by just copying the contents and replacing it. Still doesn't seem to fix it. Hmm.. Edit: Just tried to troubleshoot more, and when it transitioned to Vivid Wave it blurred then unblurred, but then after transitioning to Gravity Wars and onwards, it continued to perma blur everything else. Edit 2: After more attempts, now VW is blurry again as well as everything else, so that's weird. I tried looking at the logs, but not sure. Edit 3: It became non-blurry for VW and did the same as Edit 1 lol.
  4. Everything seems to be resolved, although one new thing that I noticed is that whenever I launch the spice64 (or .bat) that this folder is created and shows up everytime for some reason (even after I delete it after each time I'm done with the game) Before patching this never did happen so I'm wondering if there was a reason it does now after patching.
  5. I believe patching the sdvx@asphyxia fixed the entire blurry controllers for xhronoxapsule. So I think problem is solved
  6. @hope100love @scps9989 Just updated to 0214 using the "KFC-2022021400v2.7z" file on the google drive. Is there a reason my Xhronoxapsule song seems to be perma blurry at the end instead of returning to normal? (Seems like the controllers are blurry as well compared to the video below) Comparing to the timestamp below where the exceed gear controller at the bottom isn't blurry at all: I don't think the issue was that I downloaded the v2 one, but see below: (Right now I'm updating my sdvx@asphyxia folder to see if that was the issue)
  7. With the new patch, everything seems to be working on the new .dll provided. I'm guessing we're still just waiting on a new bemani patcher for the recent update? Since it keeps change my main display and everything every time I launch the game but still works regardless.
  8. I guess it's best to wait for the patcher then just so everything's stable.
  9. Has anyone attempted to use the latest version yet without waiting for an asph update?
  10. Everything works properly once I set them both to X+ for left and Y+ for right knobs.
  11. Open spicecfg.exe -> Options -> SDVX Disable Cameras (-sdvxdisablecams)
  12. @Cking543 were you able to figure this out? Just got my Faucetwo and I've been getting that issue for both Vivid Wave and Exceed Gear. I'm not sure how to make it work since every time I calibrate the knobs it's always infinitely scrolling even when I'm not moving the knobs. As you can see that they seem to infinitely seem to be active even if I let go which makes navigating the menus way too fast/difficult. Also eventually when you turn left on either knob, it sometimes triggers the X+ or Y+ axis then eventually goes back to X-. Is that intended? Just tried USC and the knobs are consistent there but on Vivid Wave/Exceed Gear they aren't and they just want to go the opposite direction during those long slow lasers. EDIT: Make sure you bind your knobs like this on the Faucetwo instead of X- and X+ / Y- and Y+ and everything works as intended.
  13. ItzSimon and I found out more about it. We both were using the 60hz patches because we have basically 60hz monitors (my secondary is 75hz) and we aren't really using our main monitors (144hz/etc) for Valkyrie since we're not doing that version. We initially found out that EG was just tying our main monitor's (144hz monitors) as the main refresh rate and that's how we found out it was running at 144 fps on our secondary monitor. One workaround we foundwas just to make our secondary monitor the main monitor so that we could cap at the refresh rate, though at this point we might as well just get a secondary monitor that's 120hz so we're able to utilize Valkyrie mode.
  14. Please do, also check your DMs here since I hit you there in case we need to contact further about this to see what we both can find about it.
  15. Yeah, I recently downloaded the updated version from nyaa and haven't modified the dll either. (see below; There's a folder called "patcher" in there that will give you the html to update the .dll) Other than that I have swapped to capping the fps to 120 even though I'm using the 60hz .dll (since I have a 75hz monitor) just because whenever I cap it to 60 fps it doesn't feel as fluid/smooth as 60 fps on Vivid Wave if you get what I mean. It doesn't really affect gameplay, but more so the animations moving faster than it should be. My assumption is that 120 fps would make sense to lock to since there's Valkyrie mode (even though it's not enabled on the .dll and ea-config) though I'd like to know more to see if we can do anything about the unusual issue we're both having since we basically have 60hz displays but the game shows 144 fps.
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