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nosoucy62 a gagné pour la dernière fois le 15 janvier

nosoucy62 a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

À propos de nosoucy62

  • Date de naissance 01/09/1969

Profile Information

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  • Hardware
    GTX 1070 6 GB
    16GB RAM
    HDD nve 4TO + SSD 4TO
    windows 10
    LIGHTGUN game with wiimote + dolphin bar

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  1. nosoucy62

    Bang! Bang! Bandits

    Hi miao8yu5 when I installed this program I got a warning window in which it was written that there was a problem with 64-bit computers I should not have validated this installation because it was after restarting the computer that I encountered all these .dll problems
  2. nosoucy62

    Bang! Bang! Bandits

    sorry SGD the problem is the same with the latest version..... for me i stop this solution because it's there is too many risk on my PC.... if you have a warning message when you launch PPjoy stop the installation of program......don't be like me all dll in teknoparrot are broken + flashpoint emul
  3. nosoucy62

    Bang! Bang! Bandits

    it's PPjoy program who's create the problem
  4. nosoucy62

    Bang! Bang! Bandits

    synaptic error device with bad "image" with flashpoint on teknoparrot dll files message error......
  5. nosoucy62

    Bang! Bang! Bandits

    warning ! after test the program ppjoy it make error on flashpoint emularor !!!!! and in many emulators and program will kill .dll on my c:/ !!!!!! WARNING DON'T INSTALL THIS !!!!
  6. railbreak mad bullets op wolf this 3 games exist on windows version and works perfectly with wiimote or sinden....why would you used in switch emulator ??
  7. nosoucy62

    Bang! Bang! Bandits

    me too i'm interested by lightgun game on switch...
  8. witch version of mame please ? latest update ? thanks
  9. nosoucy62

    Bang! Bang! Bandits

    hi miao8yu5 ! are you play to emulator switch with gloviePIE and wiimote ?
  10. nosoucy62

    Bug Busters (PC-Arcade)

    you launch it in one position input.exe and after bbpc.exe ? if you have problem with this game i'm ok to send you my complete files.....
  11. nosoucy62

    Bug Busters (PC-Arcade)

    do you launch the inputs exe before launch game.exe ?
  12. nosoucy62

    Bug Busters (PC-Arcade)

    what's the problem when you launch it ?
  13. pour info le jeu est sortit sur PC
  14. nosoucy62

    Bug Busters (PC-Arcade)

    this game is not beautifull but fun.........
  15. nosoucy62

    Bang! Bang! Bandits

    i hope i hope my friend !!!!!!!!!
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