Johnny Nero Action Hero will be playable and working on Teknoparrot unlike MAME. Johnny Nero Action Hero is a light gun game created by Play Mechanix and released by ICE in 2004, takes place inside a comic book and focus on adventures of Johnathan "Johnny" Nero, who going on three-different time periods with different enemies (alien and robots in Space Wars, Egyptian mummies and rock monsters in Curse of the Mummy King, and Indian zombies and wild west ghosts in Ghost Town). Like Special Forces: Elite Training, Johnny Nero Action Hero ran on VP101 arcade PCB with hard drive and had R5000 MIPS CPU. Johnny Nero Action Hero had 3D ploygonal graphics similar to other Play Mechanix titles like Big Buck Hunter and Special Forces: Elite Training. Johnny Nero Action Hero is a 2-player action light gun shooter where players take on the role of the titular character, shooting variety of enemies while avoiding slashing or damaging Nero via red circle indicator. A boss fight occurs that must shoot before the boss charging up the attacks. There is also sub-boss fight alongside the main boss fight. There are six-different mini-games between areas, like shooting asteroids or shooting cardboard cutouts of enemies, the mini-game will either succeed or failing a mini-game causing to lose half of the player life as a punishment. There are three-different comics to choose from (Space Wars, Curse of the Mummy King, and Ghost Town) and two modes (standard two-player mode or one player with both guns mode called Guns of Fury).