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Gtguy a gagné pour la dernière fois le 14 septembre

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  • Hardware
    Intel Core i7 NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1070

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  1. this was posted a few years ago in emuline but I could never get my gamepad to work. also no widescreen support.
  2. Better to just play the portrait version on Android and the widescreen version on a Switch emulator.
  3. FruitNinja FX2 works fine with the patch, however apparently no one has gotten FruitNinja FX original to work?
  4. Gtguy

    Game Loader All Rh

    kof69, you need to add an exception through the windows control panel for the DEP (Data Execution Protection). It is similar process to adding an exception for a program in your antivirus.
  5. You can edit the .pnach file with notepad in the cheats directory.
  6. Finally! First post in 10 months for a great emulator, and it's a big story!
  7. Can someone please list all exclusive games to this system and those that are working?
  8. Machin33x, can you please post the per-game reshade fix seperately as mod and explain how to use?
  9. drewjbs, I posted same problem on Page 1 and so far no solutions. However you are in luck for Deadstorm Pirates, as RPCS3 (Arcade Fork) - see other thread- can easily get 2 players to work on Deadstorm Pirates SE with DemulShooter.
  10. Galaya, there is one more thing you can try which has a good chance to work. I am using the dgvoodoo D3D9.dll in the Gundam directory. Make sure you are using that and turn off vysnc there too. I just tested and without dgvoodoo I get the lag! Also with dgvoodoo you can force antialiasing with TP which makes for much better graphics. And with standalone it works to force higher resolutions.
  11. Uncheck - FPSLimitEnable in TP and turn off vsync. Use Fraps to check your framerate, it is not well over 60 then you do not have vsync off. Also try rawinput for General Input API.
  12. all you have to do is turn off vsync (in loader and graphics control panel) and the keys are responsiveness are totally fixed
  13. Gtguy

    Gravity Blast

    Early prototype of Death Live?
  14. Can you give more instructions on how to setup Sinden light gun as joystick? Is this in Gamecube/Standard Controller or Emulated Wii Remote?
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