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  • Hardware
    Intel Core i7 NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1070

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  1. Discord Invite:
  2. Has anyone tried this for Crazy Taxi 3?
  3. Gtguy

    Santa's Great Gifts

    Did anyone have trouble with their Google account after using this?
  4. -
  5. Gtguy

    Until The Last Bullet

    99 cents again now on current Steam sale.
  6. Gtguy

    Until The Last Bullet

    thanks I never heard about this game before. does it work with Sinden lightgun?
  7. Gtguy

    Until The Last Bullet

    Was 99 cents in the Steam winter sale, so I'll wait.
  8. Someone please re-post xboost launcher and especially exvs2 launcher!
  9. Gtguy

    Sinden Gun games

    Great work Dasboot. Very impressive. From "obscure" windows games that are not on the wiki, which ones do you recommend?
  10. Here is something you can try for some really maxed out graphics. Use Glamayre_Fast_Effects_with_Fake_GI from Ducon then add the BloomAndLensFlares (use hotkey to turn on/off) Vibrance and Cartoon from the previous link from TheRadik ( Make sure you copy the fx settings from both ini into one ini for at least the 4 fx above. I notice the effects are highly dependent on resolution. Higher resolutions will have less depth blur from the ducon fx and less cartoon bordering, so you should adjust depending on resolution.
  11. Thanks Yusuf. I will try ducon's because he is a legend. There is another one here too.
  12. Looks great! Can you re-upload?
  13. Gtguy

    Santa's Great Gifts

    Some games you may need to install from google play store in order to get the free license to make it work on your account. If game is not showing in the store because it is old, then you can search on Google for the Play Store page or use Link2sd "View on Google Play" feature.
  14. Gtguy

    Santa's Great Gifts

    Thank you Santa ❣️
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