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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Hello, can you reupload 20240702 upgrade? thanks
  2. I already have that iso, i'm looking for old games like battle climax 2 (wrestling game arcade) or rpm red. I think you can't install drivers on that windows images.
  3. Can i get this too please? Thank you.
  4. For sinobuz, it should work
  5. Where did you get the quiz magic academy?
  6. It works by changing the system locale to Japanese in Region and Language - Administrative.
  7. Yes, also for me. Only I played the tutorial.
  8. Uncheck read only attribute from game folder.
  10. Yes now it works thanks, I'm using the 29/8 spice and nvram file posted. For 2011092900 version replace <model __type="str">ACP</model> to <model __type="str">I36</model> in eamuse-config xml
  11. Hi ,It just crashing for me, it is 1920x1080? how do you do it?
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