I've read a couple posts here or on the arcade controls forum suggesting that the shell.exe program doesn't work properly if it's not in C\SEGA. In my own experience. I had it in C:\SEGA, it worked properly, cut and pasted it elsewhere on my hard drive, and the set of options like difficulty, race length, etc., no longer appeared in the shell.exe program. If you set up the game the way you like it in C:\SEGA, you quite possibly could be able to cut and paste the entire folder elsewhere on your hard drive, and you'd be good forever until you had to change some options, if ever. Granted, you could use the game.ini or whatever it was and manually change things in that file, but then you would have to know the specific text you'd have to put in those options. For classic race length, you have to put something specific like CLASSIC_MODE or something. I had my game in C:\SEGA and used shell.exe to set that up, so I didn't have to specifically type CLASSIC_MODE. However, you could go to the arcade controls forum and see the one post where all of the options are listed out. I think it's within the first four pages of the big topic about the game.
Something you may wish to do if you have multiple computers that you want to network together for this new Daytona is to keep the game in C:\SEGA and use the shell.exe to set things up for you. I think I saw a post somewhere in the past week or so that said it was really easy to do, but you'd have to have full functionality of shell.exe, and I think that would only happen in C:\SEGA. I'm going to wait and see if someone figures out a good way to network the computers without the webcam before I even go trying, though. Maybe in a couple months if nothing comes out about it, I'll pick up a couple (hopefully cheap) compatible webcams just to satisfy that requirement.