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Tout ce qui a été posté par Kobe46

  1. Might be related, Are you getting a wall of text spamming Cannot get Accounting info. If so make sure the game directory is set to not read only, it is usually a permission issue that causes that wall of text, it might fix the JVS Error 6401. I will see if I can compile an error log sometime, to see if we can have an error log with the resolution to it.
  2. Try creating a .env file in root of minime folder edit it to have HOST_EXT=IPAddress Place the IP address of the computer you want running minime. @bojo5150 Some have gotten it working from another location, I myself and most others have it on C:\. You can definitely try, but I have never gotten it to work outside of the C:\
  3. Yea I was just worried just in case, since I read the post by Sega on it, I read their terms and services, but I don't think we are, but they can interpret it to what ever they feel if it bides by them technically. I was just making sure. I know it attempts but its just weird is all heh. Ok back to helping troubleshoot more problems or attempt to heh. Thanks
  4. Alright, I think I am going crazy or I just have no clue how this works LOL So just unplugged my network cable from my computer ran everything, and it connected fine. Card reader and everything... If I unplug my self from my modem I get that Error 8005. If I disable my network adapter. It just attempts 3 times to connect to All.Net fails, but game boots. Then I cannot connect to minime server, which makes sense, since you made your local IP it, but since I disabled my network adapter the IP is not present so no where to route. This I understand. The whole unplug from modem vs unplug from my computer... does not make sense. lol
  5. So I did use wireshark, while I was unplugged from my modem and I can't seem to find the right traffic going out my network adapter, as there is quite a lot like my anti virus/malware checking for online and other applications attempting like Discord and such. I turned all things that would be contacting outside and still it was hard to pinpoint. But I know it does contact, since if I am unplugged from my Internet, but still plugged into my local network. I get the error right at boot up. Error 8005 Network type error (WAN) which means it does attempt to go outside to the Internet. So I think it does talk outside most likely to establish connection to download the All.NET stuff. Though if I just disable my network adapter on my computer. I get into the game, it checks the All.Net router and fails, then attempts it a couple more times before it boots into the game. Once this happens, I now lose connection to card reader, so progress saving is fully disabled. I will try just unplugging my network, then plugging it back in as soon as I get into the game to see if it can connect to the minime service for aime card connection.
  6. Are you getting a fraud notice when you get into the game? I think this might be Sega's crackdown on it. I believe that this dump still contacts Sega for something, mostly related to download. So there was a notice that came out from Sega indicating that you may receive a fraud message on your screen. So I think we might be dead in the water until we can get a local server connection to pull the connection, which I believe is quite hard to do. Translated via Google on their site.
  7. Hi wallmachine, The link seems to be still working. I can reach it. Is it being blocked for you? Does the site load but when you try and download it fails to load. Make sure popups are not blocking the page, since it requires to popup to download.
  8. Python needs to be installed due to the Windows-Build-Tools, as it also requires it during the npm install when you run minime on start. So technically if it installs fine without node.js, it will not so I just have to make it combined properly. Will take some time for me to create it properly. I need to install it on my other laptop as the test with it. will take some time to build properly.
  9. All good, glad I could assist with it. Also from what @POOTERMAN asked for a precompiled version. Sadly I can only shorten it down to maybe like 10 things to do? The issue is all that minime server installation with npm and python2. That part needs to be still in, as well as the segatools section and possibly the administrator of inject.exe and start.bat. So I might do it just to shorten a bunch. I will try and make a new one. Will see.
  10. Ahh cool. I was out today so did not get time to look into it. Nice you got it working with that. Yea sorry I forgot about that initiald.ini for the resolution, if you wanted it higher res than 1920x1080.
  11. are you using the from the tutorial? or using the one from the arcade dump. Just curious, I only have seen that error message when using and older or mixed up version of the files. Just wondering since that error usually happens when that happens.
  12. Correct, it will do that once. then when you run the game normally it should load. if it does not, try making inject.exe and make it run as administrator in the properties and compatibility tab and run start.bat normally. see if it loads up, then remove the administrator setting on inject.exe Then see if it loads running start.bat normally. Sorry is that what you did to fix the Fullscreen.exe thing? or just that error 4105 error. Sorry just confused heh.
  13. run start.bat as admin first at least once. then close it and try again normally.
  14. you need to make adjustments, the tutorial here tells you what you need to do, after you extract the segatools content. you have to edit segatools.ini file with the correct information.
  15. @SniperRacer1273 What you should do is copy the id0 folder contents and paste them into C:\maingamefolder\app\package All those files should be in there.
  16. You should not need to, it is just a separate folder as far as I can tell if you leave it there. You can delete it if you want. What muffinman said is correct, it is for another game. @kamranijaz congrats you got it working. lol that is odd that it worked that way heh. @petje Not sure. I just did that and it worked right away. I wonder if this might require admin? not sure, since I turned off my UAC so it never prompts me.
  17. So it was easier than I thought hah. Just like the start.bat thing, Did this so your start.bat should look like this: @echo off start cmd /c "C:\minime\start.bat" .\inject.exe -k .\idzhook.dll .\InitialD0_DX11_Nu.exe .\inject.exe -d -k .\idzhook.dll .\amdaemon.exe -c configDHCP_Final_Common.json configDHCP_Final_JP.json configDHCP_Final_JP_ST1.json configDHCP_Final_JP_ST2.json configDHCP_Final_EX.json configDHCP_Final_EX_ST1.json configDHCP_Final_EX_ST2.json start cmd /c .\fullscreen.exe echo. echo Game processes have terminated pause To use the Alt+Enter, wait for the direct 3d window to show Initializing or checking wheel status. If you do it before it, it may not function. Worked like a charm with me. Just copy the fullscreen.exe in the \app\package same as start.bat.
  18. Is the subnet= uncommented. removing the ; in front of it. do you have any other network adapter? like virtual network adapters? sometimes they can cause an issue.
  19. I think you have to play around with the ID0 window for borderless gaming. It might be finicky. Give me a bit maybe I can play around with the fullscreen.exe
  20. @kamranijaz@GamingRob Do you guys have Wifi and ethernet connected? or multiple connections? And could you show me your segatools.ini sections: [dns] [keychip] Most likely cases it is network related, it seems it cannot establish connection to the All.Net server which you are running.
  21. Alright I think I got it, was easier than I thought lol Edit the start.bat in app\package folder add the line before .\inject start cmd /c "C:\minime\start.bat" This will start the minime server in a separate window and also start the game as well, I use the borderless gaming instead of the fullscreen. I can try it but for now just do that. new bat should look like this: @echo off start cmd /c "C:\minime\start.bat" .\inject.exe -k .\idzhook.dll .\InitialD0_DX11_Nu.exe .\inject.exe -d -k .\idzhook.dll .\amdaemon.exe -c configDHCP_Final_Common.json configDHCP_Final_JP.json configDHCP_Final_JP_ST1.json configDHCP_Final_JP_ST2.json configDHCP_Final_EX.json configDHCP_Final_EX_ST1.json configDHCP_Final_EX_ST2.json echo. echo Game processes have terminated pause
  22. I think @petje was having the same issue as well. Were you following the guide above? I think when he started with everything from here it seemed to get past that All.Net server RTC error, which I think is related to the Server's time if I am not mistaken. So it could be an issue with DNS not see the time service, I might be wrong. Actually, what is your IP address, since it might mean it cannot connect to the IP properly. Segatools.ini make sure your default=insertyourIPAddressHere and subnet=yourIPAddress (but last octet is 0) example or
  23. Glad you were finally able to get it to work For the save locally. It is in my documentation and also in the original readme lol, people just skip through it. When you first start the game, if minime server and everything is working. When you get the animation of someone presenting card. Press and Hold the enter key, you will then get prompted to authenticate using Mobile phone, choose yes and begin creating your card and character. When you finish the game, press 1 on keyboard to enter Test Menu, press 2 on keyboard to navigate to "SYSTEM TEST MENU". Press 1 to enter, then choose YES. This will properly exit game and allow your character to save properly. The file the stores your card is located C:\SDDF_1.31.00\app\package\DEVICE\felica.txt, the first line in the text is your card ID. @POOTERMAN Love your art and what you setup for the icons for all these games Yea I think we can compile it into a new zip, pre-done, for the most part that is. The only adjustments would be segatools.ini, to change the IP Address/subnet location, and maybe the whole Admin thing for inject if errors, I think the minime works from the copy I uploaded here from before lol. So technically it could be cut down, just need to reupload a version. Just depends, I know people who like to keep a clean arcade dump info. Fullscreen.exe works great, the issue I think is from what I heard from @sky2310 is that he has to alt+ctrl+del to exit, which will not save progress =s. So I used Borderless gaming, at the moment I believe this game only generates in Window form, never fullscreen. Even if you adjust the initiald.ini file, it does not reflect. I made a post in original thread on how to use it or basic use, I think others use this as well Hope this helps. I will help wherever I can with this, for the creating a bat file. I can also do this, but I am not sure if I can get the fullscreen to work with it. I can make a bat that should start minime and then start the game process, give me a bit to write it up and test.
  24. What they were saying was, to delete the tekken folder that was extracted and start from scratch again. Once you deleted it, start from scratch following instructions from above and it should work fine. So far Teknoparrot seems to work well full screen. Also you don't need to map the start and coin to keyboard, I mapped them to the stick and it worked well. Just like most other games, make sure your refresh rate on your monitor is 60hz, incase you own a monitor that is higher hz. Adjust it back to 60hz and the game works well. Otherwise you get super fast in game.
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