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Tout ce qui a été posté par grocarlito

  1. Hi all, I am trying to create an AutoHotKey script to simulate LCtrl pressed and LShift pressed to insert coins but nothing seem to work. I succesfully simulate start for player 1 & 2 with SendRaw: #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. 1Joy13::Send {Esc} 1Joy9::Send {LControl} 2Joy9::Send {LShift} 1Joy10::SendRaw {& down} 2Joy10::SendRaw {é down} Escape:: Process,Close,aliens dehasped.exe ExitApp Return
  2. Ok ! I just renamed "aliens.exe" into "aliens dehased.exe" and finally it works !! The calibration was tricky though, since by default it seems that the cross hairs are very sensitive by default and difficult to stay on screen. Thank you argonlefou for your amazing work !
  3. Ok Thanks for the help ! I have removed the launcher. Now I am running directly the aliens.exe cracked (ALIENS CRK v2) as shown in the picture: The game loads, but demulshooter does not work either. Am I forced to put my Aliens folder on C: and run it with aliens dehasped.exe?
  4. I can launch with success the game with the launcher ALIENS+controls_LAUNCHER_v2. It is working like a charm. But my problem is that I am trying to use my second light gun by launching before "demulshooter.Exe -target=globalvr -rom=aliens" and nothing happens. The second gun is directing the first aim. In fact demulshooter is functionning for other games, so well configured. Also when I quit the game Aliens, DemulShooter is not autokilled as usual . As it has not detected the game aliens. Some advices ? Thanks
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