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  1. I get an error when extracting the files from the chd on 7z
  2. I have a question about how to decompress these .chd files so that they work on the tp since I don't know how to do it.
  3. Just press 2 on the number pad and the countdown will start.
  5. The 2nd player's button on FlappyTickets is #3 on the number pad and the 1st player's button is #1 on the number pad.
  6. reuploaded to mediafire for download
  7. Do you know which motherboards are compatible with the game fast & furious 2.06 with dongle by ltp for your attention, thank you
  8. I also have the same problem but I remembered that I tried it on win 7 and on win 10 it doesn't work because the dx libraries are not installed correctly, try trying it on win 7
  9. Flappy Bird Arcade
  10. Distance

    Flappy Bird Project

    great job men a question how can I put it in free play and it's not too much trouble
  11. Does this happen to someone else that noise is heard when it is in the game demo and after that it no longer goes away 20230621_015707.mp4
  12. By pure chance, someone will have the measures to control the pop n music and the measures of the buttons as well, since the controls that they sell online do not reach Mexico or do not have coverage.
  13. Distance

    dinodash help

    I go to the community to request your help with the dinodash game since it works with win 98 and I want to put it on win xp or win 7 since the cpus for this game are very old and it is no longer available and I have 2 drawers of the game and I want put them to work for your attention thank you
  14. good afternoon to the emuline I have a hummer extreme edition that the hdd failed and I would like to know if I can put a sata or ssd in it and what do you recommend or if it is only compatible with hdd ide as it comes originally
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