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Tout ce qui a été posté par gStAvEn
[Arcade PC] Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes (Arcade Wii Based)
gStAvEn a répondu à un(e) sujet de TheCoolPup dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
got error about controls but removed the SP1 and all good now it seems, though it should be Triforce AM Baseboard 😄 -
[ARCADE PC] Elevator Action Invasion (UNIS-TAITO)
gStAvEn a répondu à un(e) sujet de mes211 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Hey Boss! How do we enable the "extreme content (gore)" to enable? Would really like red blood if possible rather than the green stuff 😘 -
[ENG PACTH] Sound Voltex Exceed Gears
gStAvEn a répondu à un(e) sujet de JoNB3x dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Thanks for the share! 😄 can this be copied to any version of Exeed Gear? I have multiple updates but struggle to install them as I see to missing some in the chain. stuck on KFC-2022071200 atm 😆 -
[Arcade PC] HELLO! POP'N MUSIC (Konami)
gStAvEn a répondu à un(e) sujet de Omar2 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
When the cyan screen comes there's a text which tells you to push test button (so 7 for me) and then it tells you to wait 30sec, or more, in withing the minute you shoudld be booted into the game if this is the part and you dont see the text 😄 -
Thanks for put the EmuLine back up! My daily go-to! 😄 Im a Popn / SDVX / Lightgun / Racing-guy but recently start played some shmups games
So, if I want to have 16:9 better stick with the first version then?
Cool! What's the difference between the two versions if I may ask? 🙄
[Arcade PC] Storm Rider (Wahlap / Sega)
gStAvEn a répondu à un(e) sujet de mes211 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
anyone have a nice game logo wheel for this game? 😄 -
[Arcade PC Mod] House Of The Dead III (PC) - Arcade Mod
gStAvEn a répondu à un(e) sujet de argonlefou dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
how long do youhave to play to enter the scorboard? Maybe you can lower the scores so you would enter the highscore quicker for the test boss? -
anyone have some smart way of exiting sdvx? I try starting it via ahk but the esc button dosent work from in game it seems #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #SingleInstance force run,asphyxia.exe runwait, ArcCabView_Launcher.exe 2:: ;Key for AUTOLOGIN WITH CARD send backspace key + key + yes on message { Send {Backspace} Sleep 6000 Send, 0 Sleep 150 Send, 0 Sleep 150 Send, 3 Sleep 150 Send, 1 Sleep 6000 Send {r down} Sleep 1000 Send {r up} Sleep 1000 Send {1 down} Sleep 1000 Send {1 up} } return Esc:: { Process, Close, asphyxia.exe Run,taskkill /im "asphyxia.exe" /F Process, Close, spice.exe Run,taskkill /im "spice.exe" /F exitapp } return
[Arcade PC Mod] House Of The Dead III (PC) - Arcade Mod
gStAvEn a répondu à un(e) sujet de argonlefou dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
[Arcade PC Mod] House Of The Dead III (PC) - Arcade Mod
gStAvEn a répondu à un(e) sujet de argonlefou dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Thanks! Great work all involved! Really start to feel like the arcade now! Tested a 2 player game as it gives more enemies to shoot but it seems like the difficult level stays on even after the second played dies lol that pesky sloth boss feels impossible to hit and im on "normal" level! Guess this is by design, but damn its hard. 😝 No problem for me to pass the ceiling monsters either when going RIGHT (Parking) - LEFT (D-B-R) in game One thing I noticed is that you cant change the in-game volume settings any longer, as I usually turned down the music a bit and raised the voices as the mix feels a bit unbalanced from the box. Can this be fixed as now the menu is hidden -
[Arcade PC Mod] House Of The Dead III (PC) - Arcade Mod
gStAvEn a répondu à un(e) sujet de argonlefou dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Thanks so much for the mod argonlefou + hippopippo 😘 It works great, I also need to press start button twice here but no bigge what so ever. It's amazing how a PC game can be fixed to run like this. Oh, also with this launcher I now dont have any need to set any exe file to admin anymore 😄 😄 -
Yeah, absolutely. I plan to do a set up guide instead. Might be the best way ☺️ ran into some trouble with my cab pc so have to sort things out but I'm getting there 👌
Wow! I personally would love a link to your working Alpine Racer running with ArcCabView if you could link it here some time. Would be great as I never got it to boot properly ❤️
Super Alpine Racer I dont think is playable..? I had it starting up once, would love if anyone could post a working ArcCabView version of the game. Here's my Sonic Dash Extreme with ArcCabView, just start it with the ahk file "\Sonic Dash Extreme\exe\Sonic Dash Extreme.ahk" Im running it stand-alone with JConfig https://mega.nz/file/RwEFhYjA#wjwxkYALSThhkk_i6UqZsN4stwJPu7msR4P7eiM_HFE
hmm,, i might do a guide on how to set up ArcCabViewfor it maybe it differ per system 😷best would be I coudl have it incorperated into the ArcCabView as a hookable game title then no additional setting stuff would be needed. I check this out
You need to have the game running just by it self without the ArcCabVIew just using the asphyxia + spice64.exe, does that work? You really have all my files except the data folder so should be the same as on my machine. the only I can think about is settings in the spicecfg.exe as it seems to be globally and stored elsewhere the only thing I added from default is the 3d option in the "settings" box http://localhost:8083 as this is the url for asphyxia
Here's all the files for Sound Voltex Exeeded Gear, the only folder not included is the data folder, Not all files is needed but the ArcCab files but I guess this was the easiest way, start with SDVXVI.ahk https://mega.nz/file/908RwILB#Gx4xge-YknfAJD6x3XVixvQmL69fmnsXPDLyMPO78qs Should look like this Anyone know where the asphyxia config files is stored? Reinstalled my windows recently and it completely blanked my settings. would be good to store it locally or at least have the chance to take a backup of it. Cheers
You can test with my arccabview files from mys sdvx booth folder here, should boot right into it if you run "ArcCabView_Launcher.exe" https://mega.nz/file/59EWhC7Q#mhyXNZOc6_zlATMTlWCB3mO2gZo8cHXxiqXc3_-SwjM
I use Arccabview ( http://www.emuline.org/topic/2598-arccabview-display-your-arcade-games-just-as-you-want/ )for this with my custom bezels working great for all sdvx versions ❤️ I have an ahk to start asphyxia - spice - arccabview to run directly from LaunchBox (or whatever front-end) It looks like this and you could stretch it as far or narrow as you want as it's free scale on both X and Y. Should be pretty straight forward looking into a game setup like Raiden III which also needs rotated screen but I try to help of needed
NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC
gStAvEn a répondu à un(e) sujet de Fox dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Having a bit of trouble with "KOF '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition" the service menu option dosen't seem to stick. Want to have english menu and especially blood to on? Even after save it goes back to default when reboot. Any fix for this? -
Gigawings works better with the old one actually, the new one got too much sharpening, looks strange. I be happy too Sir. Setting things up so I report back if any other gives me trouble 😘
Heeeyyy! Thanks for the super quick reply and the working fix! Hooked directly as it should now!!! Thanks a bunch! Here's a in-game pic of it running 🥰
NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC
gStAvEn a répondu à un(e) sujet de Fox dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Thanks Joe that would be awesome. Looking forward to hear from you ❤️ edit: All worked great and it works both for Raiden III and Raiden IV NesicaX version, full speed a head now 😄😄 Thanks again Joe!!