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  1. thanks, didn't realise that was the old version.
  2. I'm having trouble downloading the SWDC jconfig rar - SegaWorldDriversChampionship_2022_01_31.rar The link goes nowhere for me. Anyone else having trouble?
  3. Does LAN work yet for v2.3? Anyone got it running?
  4. If you update minime it saves just fine. What I'm struggling with is LAN. 2.11 links over LAN just fine, but for the life of me i cannot get 2.30 to link. I've tried a ton of different options, including adding back most of what segatools v5 removes when compared to the segatools v4 ini. The A2 cab finds the server fine, but neither cab sees each other, both getting the 8402 error. And yes, my dipsw1 is 1 on A1 (server cab) and 0 on A2.
  5. much obliged! FFB seems weaker than on 2.11, or just different. And i still can't get LAN running 😞
  6. Err, does anyone have saving AND lan working for V2.11 or even 2.30? EDIT: ok, i think i got it working for 2.11. I simply used my old install and just dumped a newer version of minime into the package/minime directory. I used version called minime-idz-23-3 but no idea where i got it. I would try the up-to-date version in the first post of the jconfig/segatools thread. I left Segatools as V4 though. Now v2.11 saves (or appears to) and LAN still works. I tried updating segatools to V5 as well, but that just breaks LAN and i can't seem to fix it. I'll jump onto V2.3 when FFB comes out, but does anyone know if LAN is working for that version? EDIT: FFB plugin linked just below! Thanks Joe555
  7. lol, now i'm even more confused I meant how to run Initial D The Arcade - I thought that's what the dump was. I'd really like pointers if i'm starting from scratch with that game (version 1.5 is where we seem to be up to?) I have IDZ 2.11 running fine, and the games before it. II can always wait until the card and controls emulation has come a bit further and come back to it later tho.
  8. I am totally lost with IDTA right now. Which version do i even download to follow steps quoted in this post, one from VM's site?
  9. Hey, did you ever find a fix for this? My shifter isn't recognized in multiplayer LAN, but works fine on exact same cabs running side by side entering single player games.
  10. buttersoft

    TEKNOPARROT LAN Racing Games

    For Sega RAlly 3, what does setting CabinetType=Twin do? And is there any way to make that game think there's only two cabs, and skip it waiting for more entries in multiplayer? CabinetType=Twin doesn't seem to do that...
  11. That is correct 99.9% of the time. But in my case it's not quite correct. My display mode is 800x600@50i. This is because i'm using older 15kHz SD PVM's as arcade monitors for my driving setups. This mode will be seen as 50Hz by Windows. In this case, the settings are 0=vsync (at 50Hz, or 5/6 speed), 1=50Hz (again at 5/6 speed. It won't go above the refresh rate, must be coded that way. And setting windowed mode in the ini makes no difference), 2=30Hz (1/2 speed). I needed a way to truly unlock v-sync. Having tried multiple methods with no success, SpecialK did the trick, as described above. Using that you can unlock v-sync and then limit the frames to whatever you like, 60 being sensible I could of course use a 640x480@60i mode and get 60Hz that way, but the game was designed for 1080p, and while it still looks fantastic at 800x600, using 640x480 is too low-resolution - everything works fine, and you don't strictly need to read the fine print, but while actually driving you start to have trouble seeing upcoming track detail, corners, crests, etc.
  12. FYI this doesn't help disable v-sync. Using windowed mode should never v-sync, but for IDZ it does. The problem was that iwas using a 50Hz refresh rate. Which means the game won't go any faster than that no matter what options you set, even in windowed mode. I did however find a solution. You can use SpecialK and set the Presentation Interval to 0 and then cap the frames to 60.0. Note that no other method of disabling v-sync worked for me with IDZ. To do a local install of SpecialK for IDZ, you use the specialK64.dll file, copy it to the /IDZ/package directory, then rename to dinput8.dll. Then you run the game, then after it has loaded it creates a file called dinput8.ini. Close the game, edit the ini file, and you should be good to go next time the game opens. NOTE that SpecialK might be seen as an injector hack by some online games, so i'm not sure if this would break any TP online play... if you aren't using Segatools, of course.
  13. Thanks for the reply, but I can't use that res. I'm on like an old CRT setup and limited to 15khz. Which at most means 800x600@50i, which means 50FPS. Or i can use 640x480@60i = 60FPS. The problem is that 640x480 is really starting to look like shit, it's just too low res for a game that new. Re: windowed modes. When i set fullscreen=0, the game will let me alt-tab, but it's not actually drawing a window, there's no borders that i can see.You're saying the game actually appears in a window, when you set fullscreen=0 at 1080p and 1440p?
  14. Cool. Is saving enabled, by any chance? And does LAN work?
  15. SOLVED! You can use SpecialK and set the Presentation Interval to -1 (i think it was, whatever decouples v-sync) and then cap the frames to 60. Does anyone know how to get Initial D Zero V2 to run *faster* than monitor refresh rate? I can run at 120Hz on my main desktop, and then slow things down, that's fine. But my arcade cabs are using 15kHz CRTs running at 800x600@50i. So, 50 FPS screen refresh, effectively. The game then seems to be capped at 50FPs no matter what. Setting the syncmode has the following results: syncmode=0 - game runs at 50FPS (= 5/6 speed i.e. too slow) syncmode=1 - game syncs at 50FPS (= 5/6 speed i.e. too slow) syncmode=2 - game runs at 30FPS (= 1/2 speed i.e. way too slow) I've tried disabling v-sync globally but the above results do not change. Getting a windowed mode might work, but i have no idea if it's possible to make the game go windowed. Alt-Enter doesn't help. I'd prefer not to go down to a 640x480@60i mode as i'm losing a ton of resolution already...
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