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Tout ce qui a été posté par mamefan2018
[Arcade PC Mod] House Of The Dead III (PC) - Arcade Mod
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de argonlefou dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
thnx dude ... and yep with the latest ArcCabView, u just copy the files to the game folder and use the setup launcher and pick the main game exe file and the game launcher (if available) ... and u even have a dgvoodoo option which is needed for this game to work properly ... after that all I did is turn on the bezel and replace it with the hotd3 bezel and tweak the crt settings to try and get it right . -
[Arcade PC Mod] House Of The Dead III (PC) - Arcade Mod
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de argonlefou dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
I came across this topic really late .... and I just got to test the mod and great work as usual @argonlefou 👍... another excellent job and the pc version definitely looks almost identical to the arcade version . everything runs smoothly and it works really well with ArcVabView ... I was wondering what is the exact crt settings u used ... I messed around with it and it looks close to the settings u got but i feel that crt effect u applied looks better in ur screenshot . -
[Emu] Flycast - Dreamcast + Naomi + Atomiswave
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans EMULATEUR NEWS
the official ver 2.0 of flycast was released 19 days ago and it has Naomi 2 support ... so no need to use the dojo build and most of the Naomi 2 games i tried worked fine with it ... -
[PC] The House of The Dead Remake (6.56 Go)
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de WildWolf dans NEWS JEUX VIDEO
looks like I'm 5 mins too late lol .. I was going to post about it .. glad that they released a pc version and yep it's runs really well and looks way better on pc -
[Emu] Virtua Striker 4 (Arcade Triforce) | Emulator PC: Dolphin 5.0 Triforce
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de brodostar- dans EMULATEUR NEWS
yep , Like i stated in my post it's an old build , so it's very unstable and acts differently on different machines ... for example it works really well for me with full speed and with minor unnoticeable graphic bugs ... all i needed to do is remove the cache and build one from the start with the sound option(LLE recompiler) and skip EFB access checked using EFB copies on ram ...it's been running great for me for almost a week so i could say it's working fine on my system. but for other people it behaves differently ... so they can try these fixes and see if it would work for them but one thing for sure it won't work on all systems perfectly .. and yea, like u said the only way to get it to work really well for everyone is to update it to a newer and stable version of dolphin ... so we can only hope the dolphin devs change their minds and work on it or someone will complete the work on the triforce branch and bring it up to date ... -
[Emu] Virtua Striker 4 (Arcade Triforce) | Emulator PC: Dolphin 5.0 Triforce
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de brodostar- dans EMULATEUR NEWS
for anyone who is having shader problems with the Virtua Striker 2006 ver export (black shaders)... here is a couple of methods to try to fix it from nohero (from tests it appears that it doesn't work for everyone but hopefully it could fix the issue from some ppl ) method 1: https://mega.nz/file/qMl3FIYK#C5FcmAO54zIo6Ovx9X883j81HMkeGLA8j1uRaaXAUf0 pass is : nohero check the readme and follow the instructions .. (the shadercache files should be copied to the shadercache folder inside "User" folder ...it is recommended to have a portable setup for the emu) method 2 : if the first method doesn't work for you try to use these settings in hacks tab https://ibb.co/cYCLMdZ it is important to know that due to the emulator build being old ..it is not stable and acts different on different machines , so it is hard to have a fix that will work on all setups ... but hopefully this can help some ppl get rid of shader problem. -
[Emu] Virtua Striker 4 (Arcade Triforce) | Emulator PC: Dolphin 5.0 Triforce
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de brodostar- dans EMULATEUR NEWS
do u have fzero AX running on 4.0-315 ? i got both MK games running fine ... but f-zero after adding all the code to by-pass the jvs error it crashes or gives me a black screen .. if u have it running can u share a portable version of the emu ? -
[Emu] Virtua Striker 4 (Arcade Triforce) | Emulator PC: Dolphin 5.0 Triforce
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de brodostar- dans EMULATEUR NEWS
so after more testing trying to get rid of the shader problem in the 2006 version .. playing around with all the settings ..the only thing that fixed it for me is: deleting the shadercache inside user/shadercache .. in the emu folder if u set the emu as portable .. the 2 files are ( dx11-GVSJ8P-SBLL-ps.cache and dx11-GVSJ8P-SBLL-vs.cache ) for the 2006 export version and in graphics settings under hacks --> EFB Copies set it to ram and check enable cache . the downside is that the next time u play the game u get some slowdowns when building cache ...but after playing for sometime it runs much smoother ... after doing that i didn't get any shader problems so far .. not sure if the issue with shaders will return after a pc restart or after playing the game more...but I guess I'll just delete them again if that happens. as for the 2004 version it doesn't need the EFB copies to be set to ram since it doesn't have shader issues ... it actually works better with it set to texture ..what i did is i tweaked the ini (properties -->edit config) and added [Video_Hacks] EFBToTextureEnable = True for me it works smoother that way ... of course another simple solution is to create another emu setup since they can be set to work as portable and use it for the 2004 version. and of course like i stated before in the sound settings using "DSP LLE recompile" made a big performance difference for me .. and one final thing .. in graphics under hacks I checked "skip EFB Access from CPU" .. and that is the only option that I felt improved overall performance and is stable .. unlike other options that lead to crashes .. so if anyone has slowdowns and hiccups ..i get that after playing for a long time ..give it a try.. I played for almost 2 hrs the 2004 and 2006 versions and I got 60fps all the time. -
[Emu] Virtua Striker 4 (Arcade Triforce) | Emulator PC: Dolphin 5.0 Triforce
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de brodostar- dans EMULATEUR NEWS
First if all great job on this modified version of the emu ... I downloaded and tested 2 versions ... the original 2004 export version and the 2006 export version ... regarding the shader issue .. it only happened in the 2006 ver for me and it happens a lot ... as for the 2004 ver I played it for over an hour and it never happened once (but there is some minor graphical bugs but nothing noticeable) as for performance both run really well on my system .. and what helped for me to get a smooth experience was selecting (DSP LLE recompiler ) in sound settings ... it specifically helped with some sound hiccups .. the 2004 ver runs smoothly .. 60fps almost all the time and no shader issues so I think it's the better version right now for me ... as for the 2006 ver it runs 60fps most of the time with some minor slowdowns at the beginning of the match or halftime .. but nothing serious. -
[Emu] Virtua Striker 4 (Arcade Triforce) | Emulator PC: Dolphin 5.0 Triforce
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de brodostar- dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Here is a setting guide for low end pcs to get the best performance for virtua striker 4 on this modified version .. the guide is made by nohero 😎 https://mega.nz/file/bJsAEbYT#gHgMOsAcQjpUglhM58xek3Mog4OjoQr4N3Wtkg083w4 pass is as usual : nohero just follow the graphic settings to set up the emulator and read the readme file -
[Arcade PC] Tekken 7 + Fated Retribution + R2 (Namco System ES3)
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
I don't think so ... it's not an option in the test menu .. so I don't think we can change it in the arcade version . -
[Arcade PC] Tekken 7 + Fated Retribution + R2 (Namco System ES3)
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
hmm weird ... but try change it manually inside tekkengame\content\config\tekken.ini and tekkengame\content\system.ini -
[Arcade PC] Tekken 7 + Fated Retribution + R2 (Namco System ES3)
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
you are using tp right? for T7 FR u have the option in game settings ... change language to "us" for English and "jp" for Japanese -
[Arcade PC] Tekken 7 + Fated Retribution + R2 (Namco System ES3)
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
you can find it on virus-man site .. check the dumps thread here. -
[Arcade PC] Tekken 7 + Fated Retribution + R2 (Namco System ES3)
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
thnx bro ... and it is really nice to see all the good work u have done on ur site over the years ... it's shaping up to be the ultimate place to get arcade games/roms etc.. it would be great if u have future plans on adding hyperspin and launchbox media -
[Arcade PC] Tekken 7 + Fated Retribution + R2 (Namco System ES3)
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
hmm .. I don't know if I'm looking in the wrong place or what ... but I don't see it ... in the TP section I click tekken fr and I only see links to r2 version with jconfig added that i downloaded (one file and multi files)... do you mean the E02 version? ... i thought this one doesn't work. -
[Arcade PC] Tekken 7 + Fated Retribution + R2 (Namco System ES3)
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@ViRuS-MaN hey dude ... it would be great if u add a link to the original exe file for tekken FR R2 on your site ... to be used with TP since the full version u have already got Jconfig added. -
Shader CRT Multifonction : "Kick-ass looking games"
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans TUTO
link is down ..same for the alpine racer setup ....I already configured it but idk ... it just doesn't feel right .. it's less vibrant then the version u have here .. i don't know if i missed something or it just doesn't look as good on a big tv. -
[Arcade PC] X Games Snowboarder (IAAPA 2017) + Winter X Games SnoCross (RawThrills)
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
hmm weird .. for me it's very stable .. i been playing it for an hour and no crash whatsoever ..played all tracks and it runs perfectly fine . all i did was use ewfapi.dll from scnowcross cuz it was missing from the game.. then it wouldn't start and crashed every time when it was booting till i renamed the folder rewart and created a symbolic link to make it run from the c drive .. and it worked fine . once i did that i tried it from my x drive and it worked perfectly fine.... if u have win 10 then as usual we always get random results from different setups and win versions .. I'm using win 10 ver 1909 . -
[Arcade PC] X Games Snowboarder (IAAPA 2017) + Winter X Games SnoCross (RawThrills)
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
just tested it .. runs great ... didn't play a lot so i don't know if it crashes after 3 games . but once i added the missing dll , added jconfig and configured it...and then created a symbolic link for it to run from c ... under snowboarder/rewart it booted it up . and like most of the raw thrills games .. after the first time booting i can actually run them from a different drive with no problems . -
[Arcade PC] Target Terror Gold (RawThrills)
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de argonlefou dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
I know this might be late and most ppl with sound issues have already solved it .. but I haven't checked this game in ages ... when I tried it I had major sound problems (crackling/suttering/ low voices/slowdowns etc..) after trying a lot of things I managed to get a perfect clean sound by changing "max_intrate" from 1000 to 500 (in osscore.conf file )... it needs to be done using the command line on Ubunto . and I noticed that adding an extra core to my cpu in the VM made the game load faster and run smoother ... so I guess if u have a mid ranged pc u should go for 2 cores ... -
ArcCabView + PinCabView : Display your arcade games just as you want!
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans TUTO
I'm glad the script was useful ...and Excellent job with the modifications you added to it .. now it can be really useful in a lot of scenarios to change res and orientation easily . -
ArcCabView + PinCabView : Display your arcade games just as you want!
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans TUTO
this is the one i used and it works in win 7 and win 10 for me ... try it and cycle between F1 to F4 and hopefully it works for you . F1::scrRotate(3) ; rotating to 3 o'clock F2::scrRotate(180) ; rotating 180° F3::scrRotate(9) ; rotating to 9 o'clock F4::scrRotate(360) ; rotating 360° (default) scrRotate(param:="") { if param not in 0,3,6,9,12,90,180,270,360,default,d,t,r,b,l MsgBox % "Valid parameters are: 0,3/6/9/12/90/180/270/360/default/d/t/r/b/l" else { mode:= (param=0) || (param=12) || (param=360) || (param=t)? DMDO_DEFAULT:=0 : (param=9) || (param=90) || (param=r) ? DMDO_90 :=1 : (param=6) || (param=180) || (param=b) ? DMDO_180 :=2 : (param=3) || (param=270) || (param=l) ? DMDO_270 :=3 : (param=default) ? DMDO_DEFAULT:=0 : (param=d) ? DMDO_DEFAULT:=0 VarSetCapacity(DEVMODE, 220, 0) NumPut(220, DEVMODE, 68, "short") ; dmSize DllCall("EnumDisplaySettingsW", "ptr", 0, "int", -1, "ptr", &DEVMODE) width := NumGet(DEVMODE, 172, "uint") height := NumGet(DEVMODE, 176, "uint") NumPut(width, DEVMODE, 176, "int") NumPut(height, DEVMODE, 172, "int") NumPut(mode, DEVMODE, 84, "int") ; dmDisplayOrientation DllCall("ChangeDisplaySettingsW", "ptr", &DEVMODE, "uint", 0) } } -
ArcCabView + PinCabView : Display your arcade games just as you want!
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans TUTO
Oh yeah ... when you said you made use of rotate.exe , I knew it was similar to what I ended up doing ... ArcCab works perfectly fine with it if it runs in its native vertical mode ... only difference is that I used a more simple script cuz I just wanted it to just rotate .. and didn't need all the checks that u have in ur script which of course r there to make it work for everyone and make sure nothing is missing . and I just didn't use rotate.exe ... used a script that does the same thing ... and I'm gradually migrating to ArcCabview .. you really did a great job with it ...easy to use and I got all the options that I need . -
ArcCabView + PinCabView : Display your arcade games just as you want!
mamefan2018 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans TUTO
Thanks dude! ... you know I actually ended doing something similar after experimenting with it for some time before going to bed ...I realized that if i start the game in vertical mode arcCabview works perfectly fine .. I could rotate and use bezel with no problems at all ... so that what i did ... and created a quick ahk script to rotate screen before staring the game and rotate it back to normal on exit .. I just used a script that will do that without rotate.exe.