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  1. mamefan2018

    lindbergh roms

    like I said , I just don't care about all that drama ...I have been in this scene for a really long time .. and there is always some dev crying about some stolen code ,then someone appears and says that this person has stolen code himself and shouldn't cry about it .. and it's an endless loop of pettiness that only holds the scene back ...when it's really simple , projects should be open source with talented devs that r passionate about the scene contributing to it and everyone wins in the end .. of course talking about ppl who care about the scene .
  2. mamefan2018

    lindbergh roms

    to be honest I don't care about stuff like that ..with some devs fighting as if they r toddlers not grown men and everyone claiming that some code was stolen from them ..and of course ppl have to take sides .. all this drama is just lame . ...all I care about is progress in the scene and seeing a lot of talented devs that care about the scene working on preserving all the rare arcade systems and making the games playable ...and I'm definitely a big champion of open source which is the best way to go if we want real progress ... there is a lot of great projects out there that r following that model .
  3. mamefan2018

    lindbergh roms

    I can 100% tell u that it is true .. a lot of work was put into this emulator ..a proper lindbergh emulator that is open source.
  4. - download "tf-fzeroax_monster_ride_SBHA.bin.gz" from - extract file using winrar or 7zip and you will get this bin file "tf-fzeroax_monster_ride_SBHA.bin" - rename "tf-fzeroax_monster_ride_SBHA.bin" to "tf-fzeroax_monster_ride_SBHA.iso "
  5. it's really straight forward the gz file from .... extract using winrar or 7zip ..rename the extracted bin file to iso and that is all.
  6. Here r a few patches to unlock everything in Mario Kart GP Unlock all tracks 0655326f 00000018 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 Clear all challenges 06553287 00000018 01010000 01010000 01010000 01010000 01010000 01010000 Unlock all items 06553314 000000A0 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 and finally one of the 3 modes ( u can only select one of them) .. special mode (sp tracks) 005532A3 00000001 150cc mode 005532A3 00000002 special + 150cc mode 005532A3 00000003 I really don't know much about these modes ... it's a fun game but I don't play it that much and I definitely didn't unlock even half that stuff... I just traced the decrypted card data and found the memory area were they get loaded ( card is encrypted and gets decrypted using a seed byte) ..and just started messing around trying to unlock everything ..maybe ppl who played that game a lot have more info . the way to use the patches is simple .. just add the ones u want and start the game and insert ur card ...everything should appear unlocked in the card screen and the game should work fine with everything unlocked , after playing a race , just exit and let the card save and that is it, now we got a card with everything unlocked on it and the gecko codes can be disabled at this point anyone can make their custom card with everything unlocked . a couple of quick notes : - if u don't have a card and created a new one .. the patches will work fine but the first time u load up the card, the tracks will be locked ,although everything will show as unlocked on the card info screen just play one race and save and now everything should load up find and the gecko codes can be disabled (this most likely happens because the card isn't created at that point only gets created when u save after the first race ) - backup ur card if u have any progress u want to save . - regarding the 3 modes ..if u enable 150cc or special +150cc .. the super fast 150cc is enabled in all races .. hopefully everything works fine
  7. I was cleaning up my triforce folder was a big mess with all the codes, fixes and tools ,and I came across a list of patches and fixes I wanted to do when I started working on the triforce games and the list kept growing ..and I actually went through it and realized that I managed to do everything on the list except one thing .. a proper card fix for the f-zero AX game (created card doesn't load after the emulator is closed) the hacky fix that I discovered a long time ago was to set the tribackup_SBGG.bin file to read only .. which resulted in the test menu not saving and any setting had to be set using patches or gecko codes + the calibration screen always showed up when the game booted ..and apparently I already did some work on it but I guess I ran out of energy and then I moved on to work on the monster ride game ..and after getting that done , I didn't want to look at any code for a long time lol ..specifically assembly code . so, I was like ok lets get it done now and cross it from the list ..and I was actually really close to figuring it when i worked on it last year ... but yea , I managed to finally fix this issue and here is the gecko code Insert Card (rev E) 2037E03C 03020000 043C8E13 00000003 E0000000 80008000 no need for setting the tribackup_SBGG.bin file to read only ... on the "insert card screen" hit (left paddle +right paddle + view change 4 ) ... on my controller I set the shoulder buttons for paddles + d-pad down no need to hold them just one press and that is all ...the card thing will beep twice and will load the card . and here is a bonus code I figured out while working on the fix ... unlimited card for f-zero AX rev E Unlimited Card (rev E) 003C8E9B 00000000 003C8EC7 00000000 003C8EF3 00000000 003C8F1F 00000000 003C8F4B 00000000 003C8F77 00000000 003C8EA1 00000000 hopefully everything works fine .. I played a few races and restarted the emulator a couple of times and everything seems fine .
  8. they r all based on the same main branch build ... so all of them will appear as 18171-dirty.. the difference is with the latest one, it doesn't need a motor bypass patch ... yea it takes a few seconds to start but it works ... I thought ur problem was that u get stuck on the "motor initializing " screen ... but yea if u want to speed things up, the patch simply skips the process and boots faster like the skip boot sequence checks I made for the mario kart games ... they r not needed for the game to work but it's a good way to speed things up .
  9. glad that everything is working fine for u ... here is the last triforce build in case u want to give it a try or anyone else needs it .
  10. just use the latest triforce build (dolphin_tri_x64_15_03_2023) ...with this build u don't need any "motor initialization" bypass patches /gecko codes ...
  11. you will find here the last build from march (15_03_2023) ... with this build u don't need any motor initialization bypass patches . as for the graphical issues right click "properties" under "game config tab" make sure that "enable FPRF" and "enable dual core" r checked ... if u still have issues try vulkan or direct3d 11 back-ends .
  12. here u go 04249958 38000000 0424995c 980da504 04249960 980da509 04249964 480000ac
  13. here r the patches u need for the JP version Slowdown Fix (JPN) 04086768 60000000 Link Check Skip (JPN) 0402ebcc 60000000 Unlimited Card (JPN) 040A0910 60000000 Card Save Hang Fix (JPN) (based on the patch u did for the US version) 04249f60 38000000 04249f64 980da504 04249f68 980da509 04249f6c 480000ac oh and one important thing u need to know ..both games share the same ID if u start the JPN version after playing the US version it will overwrite any test menu settings and the cards r not compatible(u need to rename the US card and create a new one for the JPN version) .. the best way to handle this is to have 2 portable triforce setups .
  14. I'm not really sure why it started working for me after I used the newer build .. on the other build it loaded an empty card with the "no card" option automatically picked ..but I only tried it a couple of times on the new build maybe if i played more, I will get the same error like the older build .. I quickly tried this patch on the older build (since I know it never worked on that one) .. and it seems to be working on that build , I only tried it a couple of times but it seems to be working fine .. I even applied the same method to the Japan version and it worked fine .... so I guess this is a better patch for MKGP2 . it's weird that MKGP works perfectly fine with the older patch , even though most of the code handling the card is identical in both games .
  15. hmm ..I really don't remember why I created this build ..there is a few games added and couple patches enabled ..maybe I was just testing the games to see if there is any progress in this build .. as for MKGP 2.. I tested it with only the loop fix and slowdown fix enabled + the remove card screen fix ...I never had any errors with the game over screen (old or latest build) ..and it worked fine .. after that I just added the boot checks skip and link countdown skip codes to speed things up .
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