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Tout ce qui a été posté par melodical

  1. thanks for the re-ups guys! and guidance!
  2. Link now dead! any chance of a re-upload? thanks
  3. Sorry if i'm asking a stupid questions here farmawizard but do you have a version to share with us that includes either * mouse controls * gun controllers * controls for either 4:3, 16:9 ratio * crosshairs You prevously said: For idiots like me could you explain how i can do the above? Thanks again for the release, much appreciated
  4. I think it would be better to get the DVD rips over the LD rips as it would probably be a lot easier to get or source these. Most of games above were released on DVD that i know of apart from: Gallagher's Gallery? Zorton Brothers (Los Justicieros)? Marbella Vice.? Does anyone have any link to these three games?
  5. How do you aim without a gun and sensor to play can you configure it? Can you turn on crosshairs for mouse play like Mad Odg Mcree? thanks again!
  6. Amazing famawizard! I never thought this would ever be possible ! Thankyou so much for this! Your a hero, a gentleman and a legend for doing this! Do you have anymore previously unleased ALG/Daphne/singe/laserdisc/ games coming soon in the future?
  7. Thanks mate, much respect for this as it makes a change from another Space Ace/DL1/2 revamp! I have an idea for a good Laserdisc game but who would want to play or buy it? :( Although i think Japenese people would love it. Most footage is black and white as it was fillmed this way but the main scenes that are cut into the narrative will be in color as they made a film verion of it too. Nowadays you could incorporate other stuff into it like multiple options for weapons and not just a sword! Nintendo could very well make a Link/Zelda Laserdisc/option type game but if they thought they could make money they would have done it already! Still there are many many 80's tv shows which could also be done like miami vice original series. (which GTA have copied in many games) I think it would be cool to make a forum around a movie or tv series or Animation (More lupin/cliffhanger like games based on movies!) that is now defunkt or in public domain and create a new game with everyone contributing towards different scenes, once scene per user and they can make all outcomes of mortality the don bluth way. It may look different depending on the artist/users style but i've played Warrio Smooth Moves and the raving rabbids series so a mish mash of stuff would kind of work?
  8. links are dead any chance of a re-upload please? Thanks
  9. Yes links are dead any chance of a re upload? Thanks.
  10. thanks for this. Are you going to remaster Ninja Hayate as well? Sorry just noticed you are already doing this one. Can you by any chance try and get the three games that don't work or never worked in Daphne running: A lot of people have never heard of these are they are never in any lists, but with your skills is there any chance you are able to preserve these too. I am not asking for HD or Blue-Ray versions just for a way of making these load and run? (I only ask this as a few people have recently asked me for the files to the following games as they have not been previously working via Daphne as they should. (I know one of them is a cliffhanger replace arcade replacement but can't remember which one?) ------------------------ I was about to PM this to a user that has asked me if i still have the files but want to clarify if these MIRACULOUSLY work these days as they NEVER EVER worked on any version of WINDOWS OS in the past without big problems? Goal 2 Goal = gtg - American Football (Goal to goal = loads but you never see anything on the screen you can only hear it) Freedom Fighetrs = ffr - (loops after 5 seconds of play and you can't get past that bit. It forever loops) LaserGp = Laser Grand Prix - Cant remeber why this did not work but as bad as the above two.
  11. these never worked for me. tried mostly everything on xp,win7,w8n10 but no joy. Freedom Fighter and g2g would skip and were unplayable. i would give up on these if i were you! :} waste of your time dude! Goal to go or gtg as Daphne likes to call it not only is one of the worst games ever although it looked nice alongside space invaders and pacman etc. I gave up on this one a long time ago. It is only 1 player and you press the button when it tells you, but by looking at vids on youtube i can see why it would look like a fantastic game. I guarantee you it is not! The same with Freedom Fighters! (you go through an endless 5 second video loop with no audio. See screenshot to show the 1st second of the loop as i guarantee you will get the same! Laser GP is also a waste of time trying to get it to work. I have to say that you must must be similar to me and want everything to work even if its rubbish. I was gutted when i could not get these working properly in daphne the same as: FIREFOX (arcade game - Like Afterburner well before afterburner with real F1 Tomcat flying background (Actual Movie/Stock Footage of flyby's with added enemies and a terrible hit box icon and a not so nice looking plane to fly but it looked incredible back in the day and the soundtrack was fantastic! - better than most other Daphne titles) - apparently it runs ok in mame?! I think Freedom fighters was released on another console so if you can run that one happy days! UPDATE: Only just found this you can play the game using youtube? LOL Really, I swear it. Freedom Fighter - Interactive Youtube Game! He has a few other Daphne games running and playing via youtube clicking i.e Space Ace,Dragons lair Here is the you tube user who posted them and i think he exported them to youtube but RDG made the convertor's a few years back so it is to his credit also and the you tube user says he thinks they may may go at any time.
  12. yes link not working! can you please post again? thanks
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