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Tout ce qui a été posté par Lesteph25

  1. HUM, so it would be above all a problem of screen and retinal persistence. what size is your monitor? which slab? (IPS, VA, etc.) try to activate the scaling by GPU... on certain configuration, it can improve the visual. but the best advice I can give you (after spending years...yes...years...adjusting all over the place to try to mitigate this effect (which comes a lot from the eyes in the end) , it's to buy you a 120Hz screen. and even with a screen at 1200€, you will be a little disappointed (I did AAA on a 5 difficulty, and AAA on a 7 difficulty this weekend, so... . not that bad anyway ^^,) what does your motor check look like? 59.9998 and moving very fast? the last 2 decimal places?
  2. ? (sorry bad english skill) is here :
  3. - not use max framerate !!!! terrible for IIDX. - not use low latency mode Vsync : ON resolution : 1280x720 and look in the résolution Windows option if your not at 59Hz ! if this , turn to 60Hz and your monitor is 60hz ? not a 100 or 120 hz if 100 Hz (fake 100Hz : change the hdmi imput name for PC ou GMAE IF 120 Hz, patch your dll for 102hz
  4. Normalement ca doit etre ca, car si j'ai bien compris, les jeux récent, c'est le device.dll /!\ petite info sur une bizzarerie que je viens de découvrir !!! je me suis décidé a changer le hardware de ma jubeat, car jubeat festo s'était toujours refusé de se lancer sur cette machine. je me trouve un une CM et un petit Ryzen 5 1600x, et zou... sauf que... pas zou 😕. apres des tests dans tout les sens, voila que festo se lance, chouette ! je le place au propre etc., et la, il ne se lance plus....😶. alors, je ne sais pas si c'est quelque chose de connu ou quoi, mais voila le truc à savoir : festo ne se lance pas s'il est placé sur le c:\ EDIT : Djessy44 je suis tombé sur la solution pour ta jubeat Il est possible de substituer des données décryptées et de les exécuter sur la vrai cab. il faut modifier le gamestart.bat pour ne pas lancer les "hooks". Ca utilisera le vrai IO.
  5. Ca cole avec les infos que j’ai vu, les jeux récents c’est device.dll. tu as essayé de le lancer ?
  6. j'en suis pas sur, mais j'imagine que les dll a garder doivent etre : - input.dll - jbhook.dll peut etre jubeat.dll ? je vais te filer un bemanitools et un plugin asphyxia pour jubeat festo. edit : j'ai trouvé ca comme info sur les dll a garder libdevice.dll, libextio.dll, or/and libinput.dll (straight up guesses, in newer games it's "device.dll") PS : surtout ! fait bien une sauvegarde de tes fichiers d'origine avant les manips. bemanitools + asphyxia pour jubeat festo il me semble qu'il faut supprimer un truc dans le gamestart.bat pour les real hardware. je vais essayer de retrouver l'info
  7. Salut l'ami, d'apres mes infos, il faut simplement que tu utilise la vrai dll (qui provient du HDD d'origine) avec ta copie. tu dis que tu n'a pas de clavier / souris avec le HDD d'origine. donc essaie de faire les manip de fichier en branchant ton HDD Jubeat en externe sur un pc (pour récup ta / tes dll). je suis en train d'uploader une version fonctionnelle de Jubeat festo. je met le lien dès que c'est terminé. EDIT : jubeat festo
  8. spicetools uses it natively. no need for exterior application. Your piano is recognized by Windows ?
  9. a translation for pop'n music Usaneko exist. but i never test it.
  10. ben normalement c'est pour que le jeux accepte une résolution différente (plus haute que 1080p si je dis pas de connerie). et la résolution, tu la change à la main dans le initialD.ini mais ca devrait marcher meme avec la résolution d'origine... donc c'est bizar est ce que t'aurais pas une résolution "non compatible" avec ton écran, qui serait inscrit dans initialD.ini ? tu peut jouer sur l'option fullscrren 1 ou windowed 0 [ Graphics ] ;; ƒtƒ‹ƒXƒNƒŠ[ƒ“Ý’è(‚P‚Ńtƒ‹ƒXƒNƒŠ[ƒ“) yWin32”Å‚Ì‚Ý—LŒøz ;; (ƒfƒoƒbƒOƒrƒ‹ƒhŽž‚É‚ÍONó‘Ô‚Å‚à‘I‘ðƒ_ƒCƒAƒƒO‚ªo‚Ü‚·) ;; FullScreen = 1 ;; ƒAƒvƒŠƒP[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“ƒEƒBƒ“ƒhƒEƒTƒCƒY Width = 2560 Height = 1440 non la save, ca m'a saoulé, j'espere vraiment que ca fonctionnera dans cette fameuse ver 2.30 en esperant que la release ne tarde pas trop ^^,
  11. perfect
  12. oh yes, i play with 2K 32" monitor, and i see a big difference with the 1080p. as you specified : change résolution and renderer.ini I don't know if it's obligatory or not, but I think you also need this patched file to accept a different resolution
  13. look in the initialD.ini ;; ƒtƒŒ[ƒ€ƒŒ[ƒg‚ðݒ肵‚Ü‚· ;; 0: Sync‘Ò‚¿‚ðs‚í‚È‚¢ ;; 1: •bŠÔ60ƒtƒŒ[ƒ€ (1V) ƒfƒtƒHƒ‹ƒg’l ;; 2: •bŠÔ30ƒtƒŒ[ƒ€ (2V) ;; by Yoshimasa Hayashida, 2006/10/19 SYNCMODE = 0 i think 0 = vsync 1 = 60hz 2 = 30hz
  14. bemanitools or spice ? just one soundcard ? pluged in the motherboard ? juste one monitor ? i recommand you, download a fresh copy.... I had an error like this a few years ago, it was because a problem during file copy
  15. just change the services line in your ea3config.xml no touch the services_localstrap line <network> <timeout __type="u32">30000</timeout> <sz_xrpc_buf __type="u32">102400</sz_xrpc_buf> <ssl __type="bool">1</ssl> <services __type="str">http://localhost:8083</services> <services_localstrap></services_localstrap> </network>
  16. card0.txt simulates your physical ID card, so logically yes, other card = other account I use the same card0.txt for all my bemani
  17. you asphyxia core worked with IIDX bistrover befor ?
  18. yes, don't worry, the "read only" is not really applied (juste need the first)
  19. if you launch it with TP, it will modify files in the game (segatools.ini), and you will no longer be able to launch it via "minime+start.bat" your initiald.ini and renderer.ini is OK for 1440p windowed my segatools.ini for minime+start.bat : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [vfs] ; Insert the path to the game AMFS directory here (contains ICF1 and ICF2) amfs=C:\JEUX\Initial D Zero V 2.11\amfs ; Insert the path to the game Option directory here (contains OPxx directories) option=C:\JEUX\Initial D Zero V 2.11\opt ; Create an empty directory somewhere and insert the path here. ; This directory may be shared between multiple SEGA games. ; NOTE: This has nothing to do with Windows %APPDATA%. appdata=C:\SEGA APPDATA [dns] ; Insert the hostname or IP address of the server you wish to use here. ; Note that, localhost etc are specifically rejected. default= [ds] ; Region code on the emulated AMEX board DS EEPROM. ; 1: Japan ; 4: Export (some UI elements in English) ; ; NOTE: Changing this setting causes a factory reset. region=4 [netenv] ; Simulate an ideal LAN environment. This may interfere with head-to-head play. ; SEGA games are somewhat picky about their LAN environment, so leaving this ; setting enabled is recommended. enable=1 [keychip] ; The /24 LAN subnet that the emulated keychip will tell the game to expect. ; If you disable netenv then you must set this to your LAN's IP subnet, and ; that subnet must start with 192.168. subnet= [gpio] ; Emulated Nu DIP switch for Distribution Server setting. ; ; If multiple machines are present on the same LAN then set this to 1 on ; exactly one machine and set this to 0 on all others. dipsw1=1 [aimeio] ; To use a custom card reader IO DLL enter its path here. ; Leave empty if you want to use Segatools built-in keyboard input. path= [idzio] ; To use a custom Initial D Zero IO DLL enter its path here. ; Leave empty if you want to use Segatools built-in gamepad/wheel input. path= [io3] ; Input API selection for JVS input emulator. ; Set "xinput" to use a gamepad and "dinput" to use a steering wheel. mode=dinput ; Automatically reset the simulated shifter to Neutral when XInput Start is ; pressed (e.g. when navigating menus between races). autoNeutral=1 ; Use the left thumbstick for steering instead of both on XInput Controllers. ; Not recommended as it will not give you the precision needed for this game singleStickSteering=0 ; Adjust scaling for steering wheel input. ; ; This setting scales the steering wheel input so that the maximum positive ; and minimum negative steering inputs reported in the operator menu's input ; test screen do not exceed the value below. The maximum possible value is 128, ; and the value that matches the input range of a real cabinet is 97. ; ; NOTE: This is not the same thing as DirectInput steering wheel movement ; range! Segatools cannot control the maximum angle of your physical steering ; wheel controller, this setting is vendor-specific and can only be adjusted ; in the Control Panel. restrict=128 [dinput] ; Name of the DirectInput wheel to use (or any text that occurs in its name) ; Example: TMX ; ; If this is left blank then the first DirectInput device will be used. deviceName=G27 ; Name of the positional shifter to use (or any subset thereof). ; Leave blank if you do not have a positional shifter; a positional shifter ; will be simulated using the configured Shift Down and Shift Up buttons ; in this case. ; ; Can be the same device as the wheel. ; ; Example: T500 shifterName=G27 ; Pedal mappings. Valid axis names are: ; ; X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ, U, V ; ; (U and V are old names for Slider 1 and Slider 2). ; The examples below are valid for a Thrustmaster TMX. brakeAxis=Y accelAxis=V ; DirectInput button numbers to map to menu inputs. Note that buttons are ; numbered from 1; some software numbers buttons from 0. start=4 viewChg=3 ; Button mappings for the simulated six-speed shifter. shiftDn= shiftUp= ; Button mappings for the positional shifter, if present. gear1=9 gear2=10 gear3=11 gear4=12 gear5=13 gear6=14 ; Invert the accelerator and or brake axis ; (Needed when using DirectInput for the Dualshock 4 for example) reverseAccelAxis=0 reverseBrakeAxis=0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. spicetools... i don't know but with bemanitools, it should be possible there is a line in the btools file iidxhook-28.conf that reads "# Disable BIO2 emulation and enable usage of real BIO2 hardware io.disable_bio2_emu=false" I don't know if this is enough
  21. jetset radio future with Cxbx reloaded is amazing upscale 4K and solid 60Hz
  22. exact, but the "gameplay / physics / etc" is really better i think. we can not read what is written on the screenshots (the resolution of the site system is too low) show you segatools.ini
  23. put the files from the archive in the content folder configure your controller with config.bat start the game with gamestart-28.bat (modify if necessary the ea3-config.xml of the prop folder)
  24. he ben, chapeau... et tu n'a rien débloqué en terminant le ch2 ? parce que, sauf erreur de ma parts, ce qu'on débloque on ne le perd pas. et je me suis toujours demandé si les voitures / capacité / conduite / etc... n'étaient pas bridés vu qu'on dépasse pas le ch1. par exemple, dans cetain virage, il suffit de lever la pédale d'accélérateur pour partir en drift dans le virage (avec une sensation d'auto pilote) alors qu'il aurait clairement fallu un petit coup de frein pour ce résultat.
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