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Tout ce qui a été posté par Lesteph25

  1. torrent : game + spicetool for you network error : look in this topic for Asphyxia core + recent plugin for sdvx in this topic ( (put in plugin forlder of asphyxia) and change your ea3.config.xml look page 9
  2. oublie teknoparrot (en tout cas pour l'instant) car il faut etre patreon. ce qui est franchement abusé, vu que le taf ne vient clairement pas du tout de chez eux, et surtout quand on voit le README ^^ regarde un peu plus haut, j'ai mis le lien du Jconfig si tu veux pas t’embêter a chercher. tout est dit dans le post, donc bon, ont va pas tout répéter 50 fois. mais si tu a fait la procédure, et que tu est coincé, n'hésite pas a demander de l'aide en expliquant ce que tu a fait, et ou tu coince.
  3. this error message, everyone got it. the message says to go into test mode. the problem is that I cannot enter the test mode to modify certain option anyone know where the game saves the changes from the test menu ? I looked in AppData \ Roaming without success if I know the right path, I would like to share my modified files with you so that you can test
  4. i pass the level 15 songs with AAA+ or S with my samsung TV 60hz 1366x768 (yes, yes, i now... but i buy a ASUS ROG XG438 for my beatmania IIDX 1200€..... so..... i can wait a little )
  5. Try with another PC. Repeat the procedure with a clean copy. Sorry, other than that i can't see what's wrong. For me the problem is certainly with the service button mapping, because effectively without this button it really feels like the game is freezing ... but that's just a guess
  6. are you using this version of Jconfig ? PS : the FFB works wonderfully
  7. I also had a 2 or 3 second black screen cutoff. I solved with GPU scaling in NVIDIA settings and for pass the yellow screen look the punkdark2000 post :
  8. oh... look here for the fake analog maybe....
  9. a way to change the resolution? for 2560x1440 in my case
  10. i change deadzone for 0, and check POV sends AxixYX and For analog.
  11. and your option in spicecfg ? maybe a conflict with eamuse or maintenance mode ... it's really strange, I advise you to redo a clean installation
  12. you are missing a server (arcana or other ...) or a local server (asphyxia ...)
  13. test with a fresh copy data + change you ea3 config.xml & the coresspoding aemu server
  14. cool ! thank you very much, it works perfectly now
  15. me too. is it really possible to save a card with this version? because the readme does not mention EXCEED GEAR
  16. MAKE COPY OF YOUR SDVX VW FIRST ! 1 - just copy EXCEED data and paste on your SDVX V data 2 - open the ea3-config.xml (EXCEED file ...prop folder) with notepad, and copy this : <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <ea3> <id> <pcbid __type="str">00010203040506070809</pcbid> <hardid __type="str">00010203040506070809</hardid> </id> <soft> <model __type="str">KFC</model> <dest __type="str">J</dest> <spec __type="str">F</spec> <rev __type="str">A</rev> <ext __type="str">2021042800</ext> </soft> <timezone __type="s32">32400</timezone> <encoding __type="str">SHIFT_JIS</encoding> <format __type="str">binary</format> 3 - replace it in the original ea3config.xml from Vivid Wave. 4- copy this new ea3-config.xml to ..exceed content \ prop folder
  17. et voila ^^,
  18. worked for me, thank. (i m on a serveur, no ea-emu) for the other person of the forum who have the issue. what do you put in this part ? <network> <services __type="str"></services> <services_localstrap __type="str"></services_localstrap> <sz_xrpc_buf __type="u32">102400</sz_xrpc_buf> <ssl __type="bool">1</ssl> </network> I think it is necessary to put the equivalent of the "ea-emu" of spicetools (forest, but I imagine that it is the same) EDIT : oh... asphyxia worked to...
  19. you use bemanitools or spicetools ? re check your config.exe or spicecfg.exe
  20. for E: drive, you must either: - have a drive or a partition e: - create a virtual partition when opening the game (integrated in the .bat) - the best: use a dll patched for the e: if you are comfortable with edi hexa E: / Drive Fix 292D34: 65 3A 2F -> 64 65 76
  21. petite question en passant... quelqu'un a t'il des infos sur le problème de reboot du prologue avec la v2.11 ? (quand on termine le prologue, et qu'on passe au chapitre 2, si on quitte et qu'on relance, on se retrouve au début du prologue 1)
  22. - 1080p tate and 60hz - Vsync : ON - no GPU scalling - all the rest = mini or Off (ambient oclustion Off, anisotropic Off, tex quality Hight perf, ect...) for the sound : use your motherboard jack 16bit 48000 Hz (no soundcard USB, or Bluetooth, etc)
  23. salut tout le monde, je me suis lancé dans les mod song pour initial d zero si ça intéresse quelqu'un : PS : bruce, je sais que ça t’intéresse déjà de sur
  24. look up the Petje message, and follow instruction for Asphyxia
  25. oh... VERY IMPORTANT : Make sure /dev/raw/j.dest exists if not : create empity file named "j.dest" if dont work : install directX June 2010 : and Runtime Web installer : if Windows N : install Media Feature Pack ++ test with bemanitools (better timing in game for me)
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