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  1. Anyone have clear logo and TP style logo
  2. Great release, anyone have a TP style logo?
  3. @argonlefou This started popping up on game start for Drakon recently, never did before. I can close it after starting game and using gun crosshair to hit the clear button, but would rather have it not display at all. Have you seen this before and do you happen to know how to get rid of it completely. The game is hooked properly and the aiming works great.
  4. Flying Tickets crashes for me on startup, however rebooting PC it will start 1 time... then crash anytime after that. Anyone else have this issue?
  5. Going through my TTX section.. the NesicaLive game Exception seems to be broken. It launches with Jconfig/Nesica Unlocker but I get an error shortly after game start (game music still going but this error window pops up) This game is very cool and I do not see any other versions (not that I know of), also TeknoParrot does not support this. It is worth preserving this one.
  6. Thanks, using DemulShooter fixed the problem
  7. So right after Drakon Realm Keepers launches the unity logo fades to gray screen... then crashes. Anyone know of a fix? Running AMD
  8. Thanks, what worked for me was running demulshooter first, 4sec delay, then run the game.
  9. @argonlefou For some reason Racoon Rampage crashes for me when trying to hook (AMD) DemulShooterX64.exe -target=unis -rom=racramp v12.11 Running game without hooking starts with gun calibration error, any ideas?
  10. Anyone test Drakon with AMD system.. I get gray screen
  11. I have 3 questions I hope can get answered. 1. Does this emulator support portable mode? I do see the VFS manager you can change few directories but not all of them. Would rather not use the C drive. 2. Do light guns work, particularly Sinden 3. Can you launch games via command line? I might add these games to Launchbox using AHK scripts with the Play emulator.
  12. Thanks for the tip, I will give it a try
  13. I cannot get the 2nd gun to be detected, game only shows 'Motion Controller No.7' I do have Pad Handler Mode set to Multi-Threaded Anytime I try to select gun for P1 or P2 only Motion Controller No.7 shows. Anyone have the solution?
  14. Hi, can you please share how you did this.. maybe a step by step. Would like to get this game properly displayed as well. Which also help might help me understand how to get bezels working with Teknoparrot Spider-man.
  15. I re-visited Battle Fantasia and the version I have still does not work with TeknoParrot. I am sure there are multiple versions of this game out there but I use ttx_config2.0 for controls and Gameloader 339 to launch the game.
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