So here's a weird issue I'm experiencing.
This happens to all nesica games for me thus far.
Have the latest version of iDmac and Jconfig in the game directory along with the latest version (272) of Game All Loader RH.
Run the Game Loader Config exe, set options, everything seems ok.
Run JConfig to set up my controls.
Run the Game Loader All RH exe and I simply get the log text or background image if I set one, but the game never loads. The loader will bomb out after a minute of doing nothing.
If I run the game exe directly, the game loads and plays just fine.
This does happen to be on Windows 10 x64, but others seem to be doing ok.
Are there any visual c++ runtimes that I need to have installed or something?
just in case anyone runs into this in the future.
this can be fixed by installing all vs c++ runtimes.
will figure out which one specifically is needed sometime down the road.