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  1. Looks like someone else beat me to it, I couldn't upload these the other day as my connection kept dropping in the storm But this is a compiled MAME bezel pack of Hyperscorpios bezels that you can just change between them in the video options.
  2. I was thrown off guard by the pinball bezel I am working on integrating all of your bezels into a single MAME bezel pack at the mo.
  3. Cancel that, I didnt realise there was more layers buried inside
  4. I checked out your bezel, But it seems to be a PSD file for a different game
  5. You need this to patch the rom files:
  6. HAHA worked it out! Thank you @ByeKitty :D @Hyperscorpio must of missed that will check it out :D
  7. A US VPN did the trick, No idea what I am supposed to do with these? I mean I am assuming they are replacement asset files or something but would require some app/tool to swap them out? In other news I am no artist but I have made a mame Bezel for this using the wallpapers as I couldn't find one:
  8. Not sure if that was for me but the link is broken.
  9. Can anyone tell me where to get the MAME bezel from? Cant find it in my normal sources
  10. Thank you
  11. Such a strange problem, Sadly never did get to the bottom of it :(
  12. I have had such a strange time with this game tonight. I had this fully working in English with 1920 x 1080 res. But tonight I went to play and kept getting video errors, My ini was exactly the same as sky2310's with the exceptions of having the higher res and jvs & gun enable set to 0 for demulshooter. So anyways I tried Skys ini settings but kept the jvs and gun enable lines and the game works great again. Now the really strange part is the game now plays in Japanese (cant change in test menu), And its created some CRC files in the main directory that were not there before. Also now no matter what I change in the ini file it does not seem to make and difference to the game. For instance I changed the res back to 1920x1080 and its still showing 1280x768. So yeah its working again I just cant get it into English for some unknown reason or change the res :s
  13. I am trying to get Music Gun Gun to run but I keep getting these 2 errors. Anyone know cause or how to fix? Thanks
  14. Well i tried a bit more tonight, The Start.bat will not load the game for me period just white screen. If I run the exe file directly it will sometimes load and sometimes not. I thought I had cracked it originally as I change the default GPU to use my main GPU which worked to get it to load, But the next time I tried it back to white screen :( I am just going to give up on it as its just not worth this much effort and having to constantly restart my laptop on the off chance it might decide to load.
  15. Worth a shot! Cheers. EDIT: Just tried that but I already have it installed so not that either. I may just have to give up on this one :(
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