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  1. I have Win10 Pro and I get this error on an AMD based CPU.
  2. I don't really know what the "answer" is here, but I had this issue when I was using out of date .dlls. There was another upload here that used some newer stuff (especially with Tasoller) that ended up working for me. I don't have a link or anything since it's been awhile that I've been in this thread but hopefully you can find updated stuff. As a side note, still no fix for AMD CPU crash with NEW Plus?
  3. Launch crashes some of us are getting still not fixed?
  4. Are you saying you had these same errors and then you fixed it? Without completely reinstalling Windows?
  5. Did this actually work though? Did you actually get in game with multiplayer? When I set a machine to Server it hung at a message. See my previous post.
  6. Interesting little game... 😄 Works fine with ducon's files. Entered test and tried to check out the multiplayer, you can change multiplayer to yes (default no) and then there's 2 choices... apparently "server" and "client". Setting to server just sits on one screen during boot, was not able to translate the message. Didn't try setting another machine to client, but will try later. Not sure if the "Server" machine is meant to play as well, or just facilitates the clients, or it needs a client to proceed, or it's just broken... will try again later. EDIT: Word is "carregandol"
  7. A bunch of us are getting this... no solution so far...
  8. sTo0z

    Asphalt 9 DX Arcade

    We have this in an arcade near me, it's pretty fun actually and the chair can really get moving... 😄
  9. Hm, I was thinking of doing that but I'd have to re-install Win10 just for it to not work again... 😄 But your post gives me hope... Maybe I will try sometime.
  10. Oh, interesting... I do indeed have an AMD Ryzen CPU on the non-working machine... and the working machine is Intel... Still odd though, I was able to boot NEW a few times on the AMD machine, but now it won't run anymore... Anymore clues here? EDIT: Come to think of it, I actually did have NEW PLUS running at one point as well, with the link from Re. earlier in the thread. However that build had its own other problems so didn't use that one anymore. Adds more to the confusion... 😄
  11. Well I still can't get NEW or NEW PLUS to work on this damned machine, but I did move the SAME files over to another machine and they ran fine. Can't for the life of my figure out why it died on the other machine when NEW was running and now it won't, and NEW PLUS never ran... Time to back files up and re-install Windows... 😄 Thanks again to all who posted files and provided help!
  12. Oh, nice, thanks, let me check this out.
  13. Anyone have any luck with these yet? Happening to both NEW and NEW PLUS. I did have NEW working, but no longer... No idea how to link to proper images... 😄
  14. Any tips on calibrating? I see there are two choices, one for video and one for sound. The instructions indicate which direction you should go based on Early or Late... but how to know if I should move audio or video? I tried moving the audio slider up (to combat Early) and it sort of worked but not really, was getting more Perfect but still a lot of "Early". Should I move both audio and video together? One before the other? Just mess with it until it works?
  15. Wow, thank you!
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