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  1. copied the files "" and "" that were inside the game's "disk0\elf" folder to the emulator's "ElfLdr2\libs" folder.
  2. is it possible to put a cursor like on ps4?
  3. comment jouer a la manette ??? svp
  4. Ca marche ! Merci
  5. hello impossible de jouer en 1920x1080
  6. bonjour j'ai un soucis avec samurai spirit le jeu se lance nickel mais au moment du combat jai un ecran noir, je suis sur windows 10 RTX 2070, une idée? merci hello I have a problem with samurai spirit the game is launched perfect but at the time of the fight I have a black screen, I'm on windows 10 RTX 2070, an idea? thank you
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