1. in windows 10 you must instal VMware® Workstation 14 Pro 14.1.3 build-9474260
2. make new virtual machine
3. Chose custom - next
4. workstation 12.x - next
5. i will install the operation system later - next
6. quest operation linux version ubuntu - next
7. name vertual machine and location - next
8. chose core procesor(1 core enough) - next
9. chose virtual memory (high is better) - next
10. net - next -next
11. use an exixting virtual disk browse vmdk target terror
12. next keep exiting format
13. from menu chose power on this virtual machine
@Mohkerz: i run this with no compability is running but same problem audio is always disapper. i already install openAL installers but same problems in win 10
i run this game in win 10 with win 7 compability mode, add physxdll.rar. and edit JLH.ini delete Fullscreen=true and ScreenResolutionX=1600
ScreenResolutionY=900 my problem is audio is not macth with game and always disappear.