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Tout ce qui a été posté par phasermaniac
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
phasermaniac a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Jaja okok i didnt read -
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
phasermaniac a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
There is a way to get rid of the Test mode watermark, I use ems driver in win10 too but with another guns. Search in the net, i did some years ago and dont remember how -
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
phasermaniac a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
files in Engine\Config are read only, You have to disable it in properties to modify -
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
phasermaniac a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Hi! Amazing release! I have an arcade with crt + light guns, and I'm searching in Engine\Config to change resolution, because I can't display bigger than 288p but I can't find anything related, any advice? Also I have seen in BaseGame.ini there's some variable bRelativeSizeX=true bRelativeSizeY=true Tried changing to false, it doesn't seem to have any effect, but I dont have any absolute device for testing here. Thanks! nice game! -
[Emu] Yuzu : Premier émulateur de Nintendo Switch sur PC
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Which version you say? Almost since multicore addition many games stopped working for me. Same problem with regular build as with early access one. It's curious as before it worked. In fact, in another pc a little newer most of the games works but not in my arcade pc, and I have almost the same configuration in both pcs. So I think it must be the graphic card in the arcade pc. Maybe in newer builds Yuzu uses something my arcadepc card can't handle? -
[Emu] Yuzu : Premier émulateur de Nintendo Switch sur PC
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Hi! I have an arcade pc with a radeon hd 6900. With old yuzu builds, previous to prometheus, I have Ninja warriors returns and others games working. But with new prometheus builds, incuded early access ones, they all crashes in the loading screen. I have tried deleting cache folder but it doesnt work. Tested too disabling multicore and other settings but none worked. Any help on this? Thanks! -
Samurai Shodown V Special Final Edition (from Perfect)
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de dex77 dans ROMS & ISO
Hi! I have it working with neoragex but it doesnt seem to have commandline support. Also tested Finalburn neo, but I cant get it working. Do you know which emulator runs this? -
In my case, I use a crt monitor with 2 crt guns I only can set Rambo at 512x288, I cant use superresolutions or 640x288, in this game I have to respect the aspect ratio. The problem is the only way to get this res is setting custom resolution in teknoparrot, but this messes the aiming, also bullets and shoot effect gets missaligned. For me, gameloader rh has no effect in resizing. I cant change the loadermode. Same problem with Too spicy...
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Here it is my gameloader config for Aliens. TTX.ini -
I'm having a problem with Friction. Without gameloader, I'm having this error: Error code 13: Function: functioncd3d9rendersystem::CreateDirect3d9interface Description: Unable to detect current video mode File: \Dev\VenumSpyder\vsSDK\Source\vsRenderSystems\vsRenderSystemD3D9\Source\vsCD3D9RenderSystem.cpp Line:263 With gameloader it works setting Loadermode=dg, but demulshooter doesn't hook. Any clue on this? I'm on a win10 with crt emudriver. Thanks
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Tomorrow I'll look at my aliens configuration, I have it working fullscreen with gameloader. -
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
I dont remember, with gameloader iI dont need to. Doesnt the game have any config file? Else maybe dxwnd... Sorry but I had this setup time ago -
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Well, as it was time ago I don't remember. Maybe at the beggining I had it working that way. With false fullscreen I mean to launch the game in window mode and hide window style to seem fullscreen with ahk: WinSet, Style, ^0xC00000 ; hides the title bar WinSet, Style, -0x400000 ; hides the dialog frame WinSet, Style, -0x40000 ; hides the sizebox/thickframe WinSet, Style, -0x800000 ; hides the thin-line border WinSet, Style, -0xC00000 ; hides the title bar WinMove, , , 0, 0, 640, 480 ; moves the entire window to 0,0 i.e. upper left corner. The game was too fast in my side. This can also be resolved with the "wait for v sync" option in my radeon panel, but it had problems saving game profiles.So at the end I got it working with gameloader Rh which resizes nice and stabilizes the framerate. -
[Arcade PC] Platoon by Poiu singe edition (LaserDisc)
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de poiu dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
thanks! I would do too, but I think it's dificult. In the internet I saw In they have an vhs in la Biblioteca Nacional de España in Madrid and in the Red Publica de Lectura de Euskadi in Vitoria. But you need some premission to take. What about the trigger activated option, can be used? -
[Arcade PC] Platoon by Poiu singe edition (LaserDisc)
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de poiu dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
This was phasermaniac. I'm after the Marbella vice video content for years, but I cant find it. Yars ago, I asked to Rdg, who uploaded this video but he didnt want to share, dont know why, because previusly, when he was asking for help, he said he would. And later Arcadecat, an association that bought the only original arcade that worked, and they only seemed to want it emulated with mame. -
American Laser Games Windows collection
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de elcondor dans ROMS & ISO
Fast Draw showdown pc version is a mess, for me it have many bugs, and it's very different to the original arcade version. Can anyone share the full ld video to use it with winuae? I have seen a video and seems to work nice... The pc version has awful menus and even changing the cursor files with transparent ones and hidding the windrows cursor, an arrow shows a little moment when you shoot. Wii version is playable two players with dolphin +demulshooter, but I would preffer the original... -
[Arcade PC] Fast Draw Showdown (LaserDisc)
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de poiu dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
I still have some problems: some times after reloading I can't shoot. In the difficulty menu I have to shoot several times to select. Another small detail but very annoying and that breaks the arcade feel is that in the moment a video fragment loads, a typical windows pointer is shown even when I disabled the cursor on my whole system Any tip with these problems? -
[Arcade PC] Fast Draw Showdown (LaserDisc)
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de poiu dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Many thanks! seems that worked. For silent hill I think I had an old version of klite, I don't remember, but seems to keep working, thanks! -
[Arcade PC] Fast Draw Showdown (LaserDisc)
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de poiu dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Have you soved it this way or its for trying something? As I have more games like Silent Hill arcade or others depending on these codecs and I don't want to break something... -
[Arcade PC] Fast Draw Showdown (LaserDisc)
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de poiu dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
It sounds like maybe years? Any advice with videos slow loading? I tested in another very similar pc with ati card and runs fine... maybe I'm missing some video codec or so? -
[Arcade PC] Fast Draw Showdown (LaserDisc)
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de poiu dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
It's the shitty ms dos version. Very low resolution (320x200 if I remeber right) and modified to play with mouse with some ugly addons. Very different to Arcade version Years ago I extracted the videos and mounted it simulating the arcade version with Flash, but it had some bugs and the resolution was too low. I can share but if Mame is going to emulate these games soon I think it is not worth doing. -
[Arcade PC] Fast Draw Showdown (LaserDisc)
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de poiu dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Tested now Fast draw and each time the game loads a new video it hangs out for 30 s ( in the window title it says not responding) and finally plays. I have only tested in one pc: win10 i5 with ati card shame, feels very nice with a crt gun. Any advice? Same results as @slantery with winuae. I can share gallaghers later this week if anybody interested -
[Arcade PC] Fast Draw Showdown (LaserDisc)
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de poiu dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Not a problem for me, although if its like the original its ok, better than singe. The menu screen was this way? Anyway I'm very interested in the original versions trough Winuae of Mad dog 2 and Crime patrol 2 as I think you can set two player mode in the test menu. I have Gallaghers gallery working this way, and rocks with two lightguns! Can you share any of these please? -
[Arcade PC] Fast Draw Showdown (LaserDisc)
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de poiu dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Amazing! But why don't you share the full LD video so we can use it on Winuae? does it have any problem? -
[Arcade PC] Guitar Hero Arcade (Raw Thrills) [READY2PLAY]
phasermaniac a répondu à un(e) sujet de Mohkerz dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
I'm using two ps2 guitars with usb conversor and x360ce set as alternateguitar and works mostly good. But for me, it freezes when pressing multiplayer, same with 1 guitar only Also, in the menus, red button is not working as back button, it is a bit akward, is it normal? Any advice?