Hi, I automated Argon's steps in ahk.
Run it as admin.
For me it works with Argon's dgVoodooCpl options except General -> Windowed
usbmmidd_path = H:\new\usbmmidd_v2
le3path = H:\new\Lethal Enforcers 3\Lethal Enforcers 3 Partition 1\D22
xRes := 640
yRes := 240
SetWorkingDir, %usbmmidd_path%
run, deviceinstaller64 install usbmmidd.inf usbmmidd
Sleep, 1000
run, deviceinstaller64 enableidd 1
;run, H:\new\multires\multires.exe /%resX%`,%resY%`,32 /exit ;change screen resolution with your prefered program
SetWorkingDir, %le3path%
run, LethalEnforcer3_Inputs.exe
run, game_patched.exe
winWait, ahk_exe LethalEnforcer3_Inputs.exe
winMove, ahk_exe LethalEnforcer3_Inputs.exe, , xRes, yRes, ;move out of screen
winActivate, ahk_class Progman ;activate desktop
winWait, ahk_exe game_patched.exe
winMove, ahk_exe game_patched.exe, , 0, 0, xRes, yRes ;resize game window
winActivate, ahk_exe game_patched.exe
MouseMove, xRes, yRes, 0 ;reload with right button
RButton Up::
MouseMove, xRes/2, yRes/2, 0 ;without this I can't do fast reloading with crt guns
Process, Close, game_patched.exe
Process, Close, LethalEnforcer3_Inputs.exe
SetWorkingDir, %usbmmidd_path%
run, deviceinstaller64 enableidd 0
Sleep, 1000
run, deviceinstaller64 stop usbmmidd
Sleep, 1000
run, deviceinstaller64 remove usbmmidd
;run, H:\new\multires\multires.exe /restore /exit ;restore screen resolution with your prefered program
Thanks Argon!