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  1. Hello France, So I do not speak French but I have been trying to get Blazblue CF working on my PC for like hours now. About 6 hours. And nothing works. Not Wildwolf's advice, not xyr's. Not other people's on youtube. My journey: 1st: I put RFI folder and dll in my root in C://. I changed program compatibility on nessys.bat / RFIDGod.exe to windows 8 and even tried XP. After it first failing and me HAVING to add files to System32 (Where nes.bat was reading files from ...) This INITIALLY Worked, as I was just try trying to bypass the I / O Error to Even start the game ... Little did I know, the infamous "Decrypt failed" and "File read error" was gonna appear. So I googled it and got to this thread / forum. 2nd: I followed wildwolfs advice and way of bypassing the error--putting his files in my directory, the key, and running RFI, but same ole song and dance... Even tried mixing files with his mines. Still. "Decrypt failed" / "File read error!". Tried enabling and disabling D39 stuff .. no avail. Tried running from both RFID and nsys like said said .. no avail. Still crashing after versus screen. Chapter 3: So now I've been doing this for like 3-4 hours and I follow xyr's claim. He says he doesnt need keys at all! Great (I translated his post on google translate lol). I completely remove my files in CF directory, and put his in. And it turns out I dont need all those files from wildwolf at all! Like he said. The performance and loading times are even better!. And gameloader is way superior to RFI Awesome! So I start the game .. pick Hazama / Terumi (as always) and try Again to start a match ... versus screen pops up .. Im nervous ... hours and hours of working on this, determination wavering annnnd "Decrypt Failed "," File read error! " I weep in sorrow. This error message is beyond malevolent by this point. I'm beyond frustrated, the sun is gonna start setting soon and I still do not know what to do. I tried the key wildwolf said to use, I tried the key that matches CF, I tried ALL the damn keys and even put Keys in my C: // root! NOTHING WORKS. Im gonna go crazy. Oh well. I will keep trying to tinker with it and just stick to CP for now. This arcade stuff is always a pain in the ass. I do not see how you guys do it. Meanwhile you guys are modding, updating yours and stuff, and I can not even get the game to run! I feel like a failure ... All the advice is surely helpful and I appreciate it but it sucks getting closer then failing again and again. Someone please help me! Update: Aha! At long last I have found it. Neither wildwolf nor xyr knew about this maybe. But you have to download that file(cryptserver) and execute(drag the key 302510) onto the cryptserver and RUN it. But if you close it, it wont work! Atleast for me. So run the key with that and leave it open and then run gameloader, and for the record you don't need all of wildwolfs files like xyr said(the extra dlls, or even nsesys/RFI). And his files run better anyways.... at last... no more DECRYPT failed! Geez, that took forever. With much research. Thanks for all the info here though.
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