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Tout ce qui a été posté par Hyperscorpio

  1. Good! I have a nother question. Virtua Striker will be able to change textures? A dream to change the full kit, flag and team name one day. Thanks.
  2. Try TexMod maybe will work.
  3. That one is with people, i want the cartoons.
  4. English French German Anyone here have this cartoons? I only have 12 episodes in English. It will be nice if someone had the 65 episodes even on French. Thank you! Quelqu'un a-t-il cette caricature? Je n'ai que 12 épisodes en anglais. Ce serait bien si quelqu'un avait les 65 épisodes, même en français. Je vous remercie! Hat hier jemand diese Cartoons? Ich habe nur 12 englische Episoden. Es wäre schön, wenn jemand die 65 Folgen sogar auf Französisch hatte. Vielen Dank!
  5. Yeah i speak with you in a nother website in private. Thanks! I still can´t paint that red thing and the blue wing, i wish was able to make a Michell Vaillant Car just for fun. The red is missing all over the car i wish to paint in to white but it seems it's a different texture we can´t detect it easily :(
  6. Someone need to send me the missing blue and red textures please.
  7. Only works with 512mb version not 1gb.
  8. Read.
  10. What a Dream, WHAT A GOD DAM DREAM! I wish to see all the LaserDisc, American Laser Discs, Action Max And Pionner Palcom Laser Disc all in 1 for PC with this amazing classics! I have all of them in emulator, Daphne using the 3 systems, and Pionner Emulator was released in the past, I only miss cube quest it's exclusive on mame. And i have 2 unkown japanese movies unreleased using math science. But they work ok in the Windows Media Player. MSX Palcom Laserdisc - - Try waybackmachine. Other This one works 100% but it doesn´t have the mathematics and Space Disc movies. They not working on this emulator yet.
  11. Ollie King 512mb Extracted Ultra compressed in 7z. Extract. Play when is avaliable.
  12. HEHE BOY! Send me the game!
  13. Hyperscorpio

    IGS Power Truck

    IGS Menu
  14. Checked but there is no tool we can able to unpack them directly. The other tool calls FAT-X-Plorer Chihiro we need to do manually folder by folder. 1GB versions doesn´t read.
  15. Playing Virtua Striker on Demul with Widescreen possible?
  16. Literalmente a brazilian user on youtube tell us they are working well on the sega chihiro bios and it's very closed to make playable all games, we need to wait.
  17. Hello, i'm looking for all the chihiro dumps and i was only interrested on the latest versions of chihiro games, we don´t need clones or older games, they are all the same. Please release someone! Virtua Cop 3 works amazing using the xbox360 controller. No bad issues only the sound. I found something: Not them all.
  18. It's because virtua striker 4 have type 1 or 2 it doesn´t work, and i think type 3 is too expensive to get dumped.
  19. I made it to appear only the boot options using the latest dolphin triforce branch version, we just need to go in configuration and change the ports in to this... Slot A Memory Card Slot B Memory Card SP1 AM-Baseboard Port 1 AM-Baseboard Port 2, 3 & 4 Nothing Here's something interresting why this game just not working at all: If you guys find the Type 3, it could be possible to make it work 100%! We need new Redumps from Triforce.
  20. All removed. I can´t find Dark Awake - The King Has No Name
  21. Hyperscorpio

    Game Loader All Rh

    The creator of this loader need is to stop saying warning on this tool. It should be a legit loader/frontend. Thanks for the fix. Now i get it.
  22. Hyperscorpio

    Game Loader All Rh

    Thanks WildWolf, i will save this text, i just make every game working nice even KOF98UM no need any patch at all.
  23. Hyperscorpio

    Game Loader All Rh

    I wish can someone talk with me because i'm so confused. I don´t see any tutorial to run this 3 tools. iDmacX JVSEmu Misc - Files ???? iDmacXv1.4 Any help? There is some video? A guy told me that Game Loader All Rh is not safe and this 3 are safe. I never had problems with this tool "Game Loader All Rh" and i can´t make it run perfectly with the 3 tools i put the name here. For example. Chaos Breaker, if i put iDmacX the game speeds a lot if i go JVSEmu appears Please Press Test Button. I don´t get it. Someone should is to create a pack of each system for Taito and etc... I got games throw here: But is tutorial is just killing my understanding. I have Windows 10 64 Bits and using the latest DirectX. I already install all the Runtimes and DirectX plugins for the card. Update: It seems this new Game Loader All make Chaos Breaker working good without adding any god dam file. Thanks for this one!
  24. Hyperscorpio

    Game Loader All Rh

    Thanks, but i see people complain about the files are not updated and we need new .exe one's to make it work. Where is the latest .exe version for Battle Gear 4? I only see for ver 1.00 and i have the v2.07 JAP Version. Thanks... it seems i will check this one.
  25. Hyperscorpio

    Game Loader All Rh

    Where's the mediafire code? Raiden IV | game.exe | 2_-_Game.exe_-_SvPatch_%2B_HD_201509280100_%28RAR5%29.rar I found the fix but you guys need to find those files. Source i got from here:! And i made it work with only game.exe!
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