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darksabre9 a gagné pour la dernière fois le 22 novembre 2024

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  • Hardware
    Alot of consoles and a pc

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  1. thx for sharing the link, I've tried Linux and couldn't get it to work so hopefully there is some luck with windows
  2. the mediafile link should be good, does it not work for you?
  3. found this on the wiki here: Artwork Courtesy of Ikotsu Instruction strip: Marquee:
  4. i need some help with that, any chance for contacting you about it?
  5. anyone got an archive of this?
  6. many thanks 👍
  7. anyone have the links to this game, the links are long gone
  8. same ngl, glad to see ya
  9. did you have a tutorial you followed or a video for this to work?
  10. it's reuploaded now, check the main page
  11. would iike a request for ice games dumps and hummer extreme is a dead link
  12. well i'm not an art designer but here is a very basic icon i made if anyone needs one
  13. yep having some issues where some stages crash so hopefully it will be fixed soon
  14. wanted to post this here just in case anyone missed this on that thread: (go to tp seciton for help and other things, the thread is located all the way to the bottom of my comment) here i decompressed the chd for arctic thunder and tried the game and it worked: check thread above the fix should be in here as well the snow.exe should be in: \Midway games\Arctic Thunder also here's some logos i made if anyone needs it NO ANWSER ON THIS THREAD (CHECK TP SECTION) here:
  15. here i decompressed the chd and tried the game and it worked: the fix should be in here as well the snow.exe should be in: \Midway games\Arctic Thunder
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