uh oh , i can dream ha . But on the other hand i find 100 euro for 1 gun to much . Not worth it .
I have 2 wiimotes with guns and a dolphinbar . And its working perfect together with touchmote and demulshooter .
My problem is hyperspin . I have 2 xbox 360 controllers , 1 logitech G25 wheel .
So touchmote emulates xbox 360 controller to wiimotes .
When touchmote is actif , i will see 4 xbox controllers and 1 G25 wheel . Here is the problem . If i don't connect the 2 original xbox 360 controllers . Then the 2 emulated wii controllers will be in position 1 and 2 in demulshooter . while i saved them for position 3 and 4 . Because my original xbox 360 controllers where connected before i turn on touchmote .
It works perfect if i turn the controllers in correct order and then start hyperspin .
But then still you have a problem , when you close the game that use the touchmote and demulshooter . When you exit the game , i can not control hyperspin anymore with the original xbox 360 controller .
so what should happen , if i want to play a shooting game , for example golden gun . It should first start touchmote automatic followed by demulshooter , then the game in teknoparrot .
It works almost in rocketlauncher , touchmote starts together with demulshooter , but game don't start from teknoparrot , so i am stuck here .
And this is because i add touchmote , if i remove it in rocketlauncher , then game start together with demulshooter .
And offcourse it should kill touchmote when i exit the game , otherwise the position of the controllers will be messed up again .
Thats why i am litte interested in aimtrak or sinden light guns . But i found them expensive . pffff 200 euro for aimtrak . And then the reviews are not so super .
I you know how to start touchmote demulshooter and golden gun teknoparrot , i would be very happy