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Tout ce qui a été posté par defre1976
Nevermind , i got it to work
hello , anybody knows how to unlock cabinet mode on pinball fx2? thx
Where you able to fix this , or is it just like this . Mario kart in teknoparrot had also this problem . Maybe its fixed now , long time i didn't try teknoparrot and so ? Ok , just tried mario kart in 4k and hud is working on teknoparrot . If somebody know how to fix the hud for sega race tv ?
you try this already , that fixed it for . This service was using port 80 . I needed to close it . Task manager => services => W3SVC ( world Wide web publishing service ) Stop this service and try IDZero again .
same here , initializing then error 8114 . I tried everything pfff .
So for you it should be @echo on START DemulShooter.exe -target=lindbergh -rom=rambo cd "c:\Tekno1.0.0.140\TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=Rambo.xml" START TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=Rambo.xml exit
this is my bat file @echo on START DemulShooter.exe -target=lindbergh -rom=rambo cd "D:\Hyperspin Rocketlauncher\Hyperspin\Emulators\TeknoParrot Rambo" START TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=Rambo.xml exit Just copy/paste in notepad and save as extension for example rambo.bat
Yep budgieloader.exe did the trick . first step Download touchmote and config like the printscreen .https://ibb.co/QcwnpCv So in the first step for your touchmote profile you must use budgieloader.exe in teknoparrot folder like Tiberius said . for me its D:\Hyperspin Rocketlauncher\Hyperspin\Emulators\TeknoParrot Rambo\TeknoParrot\Budgieloader.exe
THX , didn't know it about budgieloader.exe , will check this later . What i am planning to do . My fade in loading screen , i will change by rambo wallpaper , with another layer popping up the wiimote with to let see what is coin , start , shoot ,.... Hyperspin never stop , always config and config to get it even better looking
Oh you have also bat to turn on and off the dolphinbar. Do you have this alll in one bat? But i still don't understand how rambo works then. When i put in touchmote profiler my teknoparrot.exe. touchmote profile loads up, but goes back to default when game start. Because i think teknoparrot closes when game start. And what is this , can this be done in launchbox?"Popup on screen telling to connect Wiimotes and a reminder of what each button does." Or is this your fade in ?
Hello, You mean if you start rambo, your touchmote profile start automatic. You will see up in right corner when game start your touchmote profile change. I don't mean that you must select your profile with the home button of the wiimote. Because this is another option. Me i mean i start up rambo and it change automatic without the home button. And this don't work for me because the rambo is not an exe file , but a .elf file. With sega golden gun and transformers it works without problems. Try to test it with those games and you see rambo don't work or you make a default profile or you choose your profile with the home button. Also for transformers its little strange, there i put minus on the wiimote for coin in controls teknoparrot. But don't work when ingame. I know button Q is coins on my keyboard. So i put button Q for minus in touchmote. Then it works. Watch out i have azerty keyboard. So for me its bütton A on my keyboard. But touchmote sees your keyboard as Qwerty offcourse. For operation ghost it was also little tricky with the coin and start.
And works the same for transformers , sega golden gun . Rest i didn't test . But it should be the same .
Hello , My third tutorial to get rambo to work with 2 wiimotes . What needed dolphin bar and 2 wiimotes offcourse . Dolphin in mode 4 . first step Download touchmote and config like the printscreen .https://ibb.co/QcwnpCv You see i put this config as default , because there is one problem . How to point out Rambo in touchmote as profile . Its RamboD.elf . No exe file . Tried to change elf to exe , but no luck . So if anybody have a solution for this . I want to load my touchmote profile when i start Rambo . For sega golden gun , no problem , there it works . But Rambo ?? But for now put it as default , so you can test it over hyperspin . In teknoparrot , config coin on wiimote for minus or plus , start the same . And also for rage button 1 or 2 . And don't forget to turn off usemouseforgun in settings. Next in your rambo gamefolder under disk0/elf . create a bat file as follow : Just change the location of your teknoparrot emulator offcourse @echo on START DemulShooter.exe -target=lindbergh -rom=rambo cd "D:\Hyperspin Rocketlauncher\Hyperspin\Emulators\TeknoParrot Rambo" START TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=Rambo.xml exit Next download demulshooter and copy to the gamefolder . https://ibb.co/pdDNdqN Open Demulshooter with ADMIN rights ( don't forget , otherwise it don't work ) Select your 2 wiimotes for player 1 and player 2 . In my case its xinput 3 for player 1 and xinput 4 for player 2 Because i have also 2 xbox one controllers Save this . Now create a shortcut from demulshooter , and add this string DemulShooter.exe -target=lindbergh -rom=rambo https://ibb.co/J274nX9 Go to rocketlauncher and config like this https://ibb.co/TLc8kYS Don't forget to put appwaitexe demulshooter.exe from rambo gamefolder . Me i use pclauncher for my teknoparrot games and this works best for me . If anybody could find a solution for the profile in touchmote . Then i would be happy
i will setup rambo and make a tutorial from it .
Windows 10 pro version 1909 I also tried WiiUpro or Wiiusoft . But there the IR is working bad . Don't know why .
Ok , my problem with xbox one controllers turning of after 15 min is solved . I bought 2 new cables i now they don't turn off anymore . Maybe the cable that i used before where bad . First thing i do before i turn on hyperspin is turning my xbox one controllers on . After that i start up touchmote and i am good to go . Everything in mode 4 . Why i don't like to everytime change the modes on the dolphinbar . Hmmmm my touchmote don't crash at all for me . for mame i do this like in following video , works perfect . and my controllers stay in place . And like you said in Config folder mame make all the files only read after config your controllers . Only problem i had before was when 1 xbox controller turns off because no inactivity . mame would mix my x-inputs . Thats now solved with cable in the xbox controllers . I also can remove the cable an continue play wirelless . id's stay in place . After that i plug the cable back in . Untill now mame works flawless with 2 xbox one controllers , G25 wheel and touchmote that creates 2 xbox 360 controllers . With retroarch i start up , megadrive , nintendo 8bit , super nintendo , sega mastersystem . And in use Devreorder . For those system i don't need a wheel or lightguns . for teknoparrot i also use touchmote , demulshooter also this works flawless . But i also put a tutorial on this forum . mame is perfect with 2 wiimotes , teknoparrot same perfect with 2 wiimotes .
for the teknoparrot shooters and for haunted museum it works for me . For mame i create a mame profile in touchmote . No need for demulshooter . So when mame starts profile touchmote loads up . And config then your wiimote . The biggest issue with dolphinbar and touchmote is the id's . Dolphinbar give 4 mayflash id's . When you connect touchmote and your wiimotes are paired . it Will create another 2 xbox 360 profiles . Problem is then when you also have 2 xbox one controllers . mame will mix the x-input if one of the xbox one controllers turn off . Tried everyting devreorde , tur-game controllers . Nothing works . My setup 2 xbox one controllers 1 wheel logitech dolphinbar that have 4 mayflash id's and when you pair your wiimotes with touchmote it will create another 2 xbox 360 controllers id's . That's the biggest issue for me . Or there must be a way so the xbox one controllers don't turn off automatic after inactivity . I wonder if there could not be a ahk script for this . Already asked this in the AHK forum but no answer .
MAME 0.275 & clones : Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
defre1976 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans EMULATEUR NEWS
hi , Any ideas how to calibrate point blank 1 on mame . Can't seem to find it ? thx Ok , found it , F2 together with service button . But then i am stuck again . I see 2 arrows in the middle of the screen . And i have a dot together with my crossair . But this dot is 2 cm higher then my crossair . I must put the dot in the middle of the 2 arrows . And hit the trigger . I do this but the dot is still of my crossair . Is this the calibration in point blank ??? Also how to get in calibration mode for lethal enforcers 2 ?? -
[Taito Type X/X2/X3/X0/X4.. | E-Amusement | Ex-Board] | Arcade PC
defre1976 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Thx for the reply. I got it also working with teknoparrot , but the controls don't work. Atleast in the latest build. As for the romhack . I can't seem to get it to work. I downloaded a pre config pack with an older Romhack version. Thats where the game is working. But no music. I took the new romhack version replaced it with old one. And game don't boot. White screen . If somebody could upload a pre config build with the latest romhack i would be happy. Ok , got the music working . Took this http://www.mediafire.com/file/43y6ha69z6hk4v4/bg4_7.7z/file And now i have music. -
[Taito Type X/X2/X3/X0/X4.. | E-Amusement | Ex-Board] | Arcade PC
defre1976 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
hello , I got Battle Gear Tuned 4 finally to work . But what with the sound . I only have gfx . When i select 5.1 surround , and i start the game i see Vol 1.00 in the right lower corner and screen stays black . After it i change again to Stereo and game works again , but again with only gfx and no music . Can somebody help please , because i don't found much regarding this problem . -
Hello , My second tutorial to get operation ghost 2 to work with 2 wiimotes . What needed dolphin bar and 2 wiimotes offcourse . Dolphin in mode 4 . first step Download touchmote and config like the printscreen . https://ibb.co/wM4KNXM Ctrl +F1 is for credit . Enter and + from numpad is start player 1 and 2 ! See Hook to application , so profile load up auto when starting the game ! Is this case its GS2.exe Next download demulshooter and copy to the gamefolder . https://ibb.co/pdDNdqN Open Demulshooter with ADMIN rights ( don't forget , otherwise it don't work ) Select your 2 wiimotes for player 1 and player 2 . In my case its xinput 3 for player 1 and xinput 4 for player 2 Because i have also 2 xbox one controllers Save this . Now create a shortcut from demulshooter , and add this string DemulShooter.exe -target=ringwide -rom=og https://ibb.co/pdDNdqN Next step create a bat file into your gamefolder to launch game together with demulshooter . Open notepad , past and copy this in the notepad . change where your game is located . And save with extension .bat @echo on START DemulShooter.exe -target=ringwide -rom=og cd D:\TeknoParrot Games\Operation Ghost start "" "D:\TeknoParrot Games\Operation Ghost\Game Loader All RH.exe" exit The rocketlauncher part https://ibb.co/C8hS4Yp Your application is then the bat file you created . Don't forget appwaitexe to put demulshooter.exe from the gamefolder . Otherwise you will have fade error . And voila both wiimotes working in hyperspin . offcourse Touchmote must be running . But for me it start automatic when i start up my pc . When haunted mansion 2 selected in hyperspin , it will load up touchmote profile and your demulshooter profile . Hope this helps , because it can be difficult if you don't know how to do this . And for me this config is perfect working . Note don't forget to change this in rocketlauncher under controls "activation key" is also " +" in rocketlauncher . For operation ghost "+" on numpad is start player 2 . So change it too "minus" on your numpad in rocketlauncher !! https://ibb.co/sqx4mcy Next tutorial is for sega golden gun and teknoparrot For mame its easy offcourse . No need for demulshooter .
Hello , Here my tutorial to get haunted mansion 2 to work with 2 wiimotes . What needed dolphin bar and 2 wiimotes offcourse . Dolphin in mode 4 . first step Download touchmote and config like the printscreen . https://ibb.co/mHJnThh The Alt - F4 you see is to exit the game . minus and plus together is exit game !! And 1 , 2 and S is credit and start !! See Hook to application , so profile load up auto when starting the game ! Next download demulshooter and copy to the gamefolder . https://ibb.co/PDLD1Bg Open Demulshooter with ADMIN rights ( don't forget , otherwise it don't work ) Select your 2 wiimotes for player 1 and player 2 . In my case its xinput 3 for player 1 and xinput 4 for player 2 Because i have also 2 xbox one controllers Save this . Now create a shortcut from demulshooter , and add this string DemulShooter.exe -target=ttx -rom=hmuseum2 https://ibb.co/DCtnV8c Next step create a bat file into your gamefolder to launch game together with demulshooter . Open notepad , past and copy this in the notepad . change where your game is located . And save with extension .bat @echo on START DemulShooter.exe -target=ttx -rom=hmuseum2 cd "D:\Haunted museum 2" START game.exe exit The rocketlauncher part https://ibb.co/j5J74py Your application is then the bat file you created . Don't forget appwaitexe to put demulshooter.exe from the gamefolder . Otherwise you will have fade error . And voila both wiimotes working in hyperspin . offcourse Touchmote must be running . But for me it start automatic when i start up my pc . When haunted mansion 2 selected in hyperspin , it will load up touchmote profile and your demulshooter profile . Hope this helps , because it can be difficult if you don't know how to do this . And for me this config is perfect working .
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
defre1976 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
hmmm , 60fps . I got I7 7700k , 1060 6gb and 16gig ram . Game runs most of the time around 30fps and in tunnels i go to the 60fps . What kind of cpu you have ? -
No no, i was not planning to buy does aimtrak guns. I got it all working with two wiimotes and dolphinbar ,mame , teknoparrot works. And works very good. Its just searching in the beginning how to let it work al together. Its just i would to play this one time with recoil. But for now its working. Even if the sinden guns are 100e the gun , i will not buy this. Its just not worth it .