I've tried to run Valve Limit R.
I've copied the files that Bruce mencioned and also the files monitor_input.bin and monitor_misc.bin from BG4 into VLR folder.
Then I've runned ttx_config2.0 to config the controls.
I've noticed that you can define all most controls with this, however they are a little bit mixed.
Check this table:
Valve Limit R BG4(ttx_config2.0) Definible
Accel Accel YES
Start Start YES
View Hazard YES
Nitro View YES
Shift Up Key YES
Shift Donw Side Break YES
Service Service YES
Test Test YES
Side Brake Overtake YES
Quit Quit YES
Coin NO
As summary, you can define almost key except Coin (wich is key "E" or Key "S") and the steearing should be analog left and right using a joy pad.
After definning the controls I ran the game and enter test mode and then I/O check to test the controls.
All worked fine (including stearing) except the break which fill like is stuck and always pressed.
Entering into the game and starting a race, I noticed that stearing don't work and the car feels like is always breaking.
So from my point of view I think is an issue from game.exe file or the defined controls are not addressed correctly or monitor_input.bin is not correctly addressed.
Next Step I think we should try to understand how monitor_input.bin works.
Does anyone know understand how monitor_input.bin works?
I hope all this helps to get this game to run.