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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. well done. very nice indeed. gongratz for the work and thanks for sharing with us
  2. same for me but let's be patient and thanks for the work Trymado !
  3. merci. trés on pourra en faire des mirroirs si besoin !
  4. could you share this link .This could help others people ! thnakyou
  5. excellente nouvelle. bon courage pour le taf !
  6. Gougoule

    Game Loader All Rh

    waoo, very nice. If only you could add operation Ghost. that would be incredible with Reshade. just tested it and the screen is only half so far. :( In any case, thanks for the incredible work !
  7. Gougoule

    Game Loader All Rh

    I'm not always a bit fan of GL but I have to say that is ReShade effects are really nice ! For the future, any possibility to add ID Zero via TP to get it full screen with GL ? So far it seems that only the standalone version is supported. Thanks a in advance !
  8. anyone having sound on the Japanese 1.16 version. everything is alright except sound :( found it => For the volume of the game change the Analog 1 option in JConfig Settings
  9. I saw that on the discord on the IDZero channel from the DEV. lots of fixes will come up in the next few weeks from what I understand just so its clear how it works, if you want to use shift up and down, only map those buttons if you want to use a shifter, map the gears, but as soon as you map even one gear shift up and down doesn't work hope this helps
  10. Ok I solved this too by deleting this folder %userprofile%\Documents\Aspyr\Guitar Hero III\Save but I still cannot start the game :( => solved my control problem too by replacing dinput8.dll and deleting xinput 13.dll. I launching the game via TP and keep dinpu8.dll even if TP ask you to remove it ! If you delete it controls / remapping will not work
  11. hello, est-ce que qq pourrais me dire comment lancer le jeux avec TP. J'ai essaye un peu tout et je bloque sur une erreur 8114. J'ai récupéré ce dump mega://enc2?YisMSiILVUe-liHyMWoFFEscVH87_F3JTlVMAwC0ti2AiwiwmeUDYwQ3zNEHlijt-mpu4Gb05tENy9GXhsm1Ng je l'ai juste extrait et j'ai point sur l'exe (voir photo) Could anyone help me to launch the game with TP. I'm stuck on a black screen with a 8114 error. I dowload the game from the mega ling, extract it and config it in TP. I put my IP in the TP config. this is what I have merci / thank you !
  12. hello, could anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong. I got the two files,!DI0zSRjY!P_rzkVPGN6kMiFoEmVF1gg or and tested them both in TP. I have no issue uncrompressing the files (using winrar, no errors) I'm point TP to the right file and folder. \contents\exe\game.exe I stopped steam before launching the game. All I'm getting is black window and then TP close it. any idea ? FYI, the MOKERZ dumps do not work either. it works using its launcher. thanks for your help. => I got it to work !! Don't include special caracters (lite ' or -) in the name of the folder or it crash !!
  13. Hello, Is anyone still having sound in StarWars Battle pod ? It seems it si broken since the latest updates ?
  14. thanks for your feedback sky2310. I tested that and not better. I will try to reinstall it. really strange, it works perfectly with the others emus.
  15. hello, thanks for the tutorial. i setup all the key, the games loads but I cannot insert coin. Any idea ? Maybe I need to delete a temp file / folder somewhere ?
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