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2 abonnés

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    RTX 4090

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  1. You’re a newbie and have a lot to learn before even posting anything users asks bigdenny for years and he always helps the best he can he certainly don’t need you or the guy above to answer instead of him. same goes for tp discord don’t tell others what to ask the devs or not you’re just a regular user like everyone else. users can ask whoever they want questions without your constant interference. MONDERATOR : I warned you, and I had a bunch of complaints about you, the next multi accounts it will be the same, action > Reaction
  2. And you tag me for no reason? i asked him not you so don’t answer instead of him or tell me who to tag or not if it wasn’t for me asking for his help and him being kind and help it wouldn’t even get decrypted and when you write most likely it means you don’t have a solution and just being presumptuous, next time keep your lectures to yourself.
  3. Same for me and my friends we tried a few different possibilities maybe @bigdenny would be able to help? anyway not sure that it can even be supported by tp at some point as is.
  4. there’s a public fork with green ver included and works fine.
  5. Works ok with tp and accelrometer mode but still wip so not working with stage 3+5. also anyone here has an english translation patch?
  6. Here’s the list of public decrypted dumps not supported by tp as usual the best way to make it happen is to ask the devs for support on discord tp channel:
  7. @argonlefou thanks for the ds of medaru, great work as usual đź‘Ť using gun4ir and looking forward for mars sortie ds as well. also @yardape8000 or @tattoohanz can you make an english translation patch for medaru no gunman and sonic blast heros?
  8. awesome đź‘Ť
  9. Thx for the patches but 4k not working full screen vertically. 1080p works fine.
  10. No only the encrypted dump of doodle jump is public, i’m still searching for the decrypted exe/dongle files.
  11. Truly exceptional patchesđź‘Ť
  12. Exception works well with tp only test menu not and opengl32.dll needs to be deleted for the game to boot.
  13. Lol ofc i do and i’m happy another very fun arcade game preserved as playable.
  14. Its addictive with touch screen, set it up vertically and try with the kids works great here.
  15. For anyone who struggles to find it or get that game to work on post 1 there’s a link and on post 6 there’re instructions.
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