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    RTX 4090

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  1. awesome đź‘Ť
  2. Thx for the patches but 4k not working full screen vertically. 1080p works fine.
  3. No only the encrypted dump of doodle jump is public, i’m still searching for the decrypted exe/dongle files.
  4. Truly exceptional patchesđź‘Ť
  5. Exception works well with tp only test menu not and opengl32.dll needs to be deleted for the game to boot.
  6. Lol ofc i do and i’m happy another very fun arcade game preserved as playable.
  7. Its addictive with touch screen, set it up vertically and try with the kids works great here.
  8. For anyone who struggles to find it or get that game to work on post 1 there’s a link and on post 6 there’re instructions.
  9. Can you post the circle icons for tp for the 3? it stretches because the original scale is vertical so try native res+bezels.
  10. As i wrote i don't use landscape but try native res might solve it for you.
  11. @Yusuf-5454 any luck with getting the game to boot correctly without blurry graphics/white screen etc? me and a few of my friends got the same issue you showed on the video above.
  12. same with wineD3D?
  13. You can wait and hope or use a better idea! đź’ˇ ask on tp discord channel for support.
  14. Try with xp compatibility but we'll need to wait for tp/jconfig etc loader support anyway for the inputs. i played it years ago at the arcades it was great at the time.
  15. change the desktop to portrait then mark it on tp settings+custom res accordingly. i use vertical screen and the game works fine full screen in 4k.
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