Its not a “nightmare” and gunslinger 3 probably working by now privately without online.
its been a long waiting so i hope someone would share the files needed to play any of the 3.
A bummer the only way to play it is online, i hope someone would post a solution to play at least the story mode offline, i’m waiting for a long time to play fgo and despite version 10.80 is public its not playable nor supported by tp.
It works for me too and with full screen vertically as should not with bezels but as i wrote trying to get it to work with tp i edited in the past a few xml files etc for games not supported by tp that worked but for 2020 version it doesn’t work.
Just tried 2020 version with tp and upscaled resolution option i edited the xml of 2016 version
for three buttons inputs and 2 foot inputs etc but it shows crc error.