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Tout ce qui a été posté par bbilford83

  1. Yeah I should've been clearer, I mean on SteamOS :). Most "fixes" for TP still end up working via proton/wine, but I don't have any idea where to start on this one.
  2. So this is a longshot, but I have the game working via proton/wine on the steam deck, and I am wondering if you or anyone else might have any idea how I could fix the white distortions in my gameplay? The 22.5.1 drivers are obviously windows ones from my googling, and I'm not sure what/how to change on my system.
  3. Quoting myself here, I read a few tutorials and figured out what to do here, and for anyone else who needs 720p resolution for Aliens Armageddon, here is an executable that has been edited for that. Just rename to game and replace the current executable. TP lets you change the resolution for Terminator. game.720p
  4. Hi @hippopippo (or anyone else who could help). Maybe wishful thinking after all this time, but is it possible you could provide patches for both games at 1280x720? I have managed to get these games working on steam deck and am working with a few others to share how, but as of now we can only get them loaded windowed and they're not displaying properly at 1366x768. Thanks either way.
  5. Thank you both very much, I tried moving the -useSingleMouse first, made sure mouse was picked in the GUI, etc., nothing fixed it. But then on a whim I tried it with a different proton prefix (I am on steam deck so it is via wine) and even though I had already tried that before, that fixed it. When I tried it before I didn't know about -useSingleMouse so I guess it needs both that and the proton I used (ProtonGE9-10 for anyone reading who also wants to play on steam deck). I can get into the game well but I still can't find any .ini to change to mess with the resolution, and it looks to me like it is some kind of ultra-wide resolution by default? When I play at 16x9 a small amount on the right side of the screen is missing.
  6. So actually I tried this and it is still doing the same thing. Mind telling me, am I missing something here in my ahk? With the three seconds timing I can even see when demulshooter kicks in and the calibration error goes away, but the mouse still doesn't work. Run, RSGame-Win64-Shipping.exe Sleep, 3000 Run, DemulShooterX64.exe -target=unis -rom=racramp -useSingleMouse ;FOR EXITING THE GAME esc:: Process, Close, RSGame-Win64-Shipping.exe Run,taskkill /im "RSGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" /F Process, Close, DemulShooterX64.exe Run,taskkill /im "DemulShooterX64.exe" /F sleep, 2000 ExitApp return
  7. Thank you so much! I will give this a try.
  8. Thanks much for the advice, I did eventually get it timed right to hook in - at least, the warning message goes away - but for whatever reason it still isn't working. The mouse buttons do nothing unless I wait for a long time, and then the game just starts on its own (I guess because I have it in free play mode). And the aiming reticle/crosshair stays at the top left in gameplay too. I tried it both patching and not patching my dump, does the same thing. I'm at a loss - maybe it is something specific to linux/wine. Honestly without being able to take the resolution down a notch, it doesn't matter too much anyway, the deck cant really handle it at its native resolution. It's a shame because Tomb Raider and Drakons both play beautifully with the resolutions brought down to 720p.
  9. All can anyone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong with Racoon Rampage? I am using the dump posted here, and without patching it I am correctly not getting the gun calibration error. I am getting an IO board error but I gather that's normal? I was able to get into the test menu and change to free play, so I know my inputs are going through, but I can't actually start the game. Shouldn't it be mouse click to start? Or is there a different button? I also tried two different versions of an AHK script launcher, one launching the game first and demulshooter second, the other vice-versa, and both with a 4 second delay. Same result with both :(.
  10. Thanks much, I did fix that in TP before but there's still no solution for getting the trigger working in TP on linux, that's why I'm still running standalone. Works great this way though aside from that brief window in the menu selection with no crosshair.
  11. Probably that's a difference if you are using TP. The "triggerfix" for running it on TP doesn't work on Steam Deck/linux, but argon's standalone setup works. Also let's me change the resolution down to 720p which the deck can handle much better whereas on TP the aim because all wrong then. So maybe I just have to accept picking a level with no crosshair :). Shame though if there is a .dll out there that would fix it...
  12. Hmm, but do you have a crosshair when you're picking a level at the beginning? I don't, and I think it would be odd for that to be the only place where the game didn't provide one. That's arguably the one where it's needed the most because you can't just see where your bullets are hitting and move accordingly.
  13. Thanks, but it looked to me like the one he had in the picture showed a much more prominent crosshair. More importantly at least for me, with the clean dump and running standalone, there's no crosshair in the initial level selection, it only kicks in during gameplay. I'm not running through TP, if that's not obvious. Maybe I'm wrong but to me my crosshair looks more like his bottom photo.
  14. Is there any chance someone still has this modified .dll? I can't find it anywhere, and it would vastly improve the gameplay. There's also no crosshairs at all in the menu selections and I assume this would add it in there. TIA!
  15. Hi all, Any chance anyone still knows and can share how to edit the .exe with a hex editor as murray originally posted above? The images are now dead and without them I can't figure out what to edit. I'd love to have this game with more english... Cheers!
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