This isn't really "fixed" as much as it is hacked and tampered with. I recommend updating the Asphyxia plugin with the new XML instead of hacking the game if thats how people are playing and just using the original startup.arc unmodified. I have run into stability issues with modified dll and arc files after 4+ hours of the game running. Maybe its fine if you start and stop the game when you go to play, but I personally leave my machine running all day and don't ever turn it off.
Also there are songs in the data that are missing from this startup.arc
Update the plugin. This is all we need to do for asphyxia to load new songs:
Just add them to this XML here with placeholder difficulties to unlock. I updated the 5 songs that were released with proper difficulties, the rest are placeholders just to unlock the song until we know what the real difficulties are.
Here is the link to the updated branch: