Hi, I want to explain what really happens, when you deactivate the "Card Usage" the last cup will be automatically unlocked, which would be the rainbow cup, in addition to round 1 and round 2 of each cup being available.
The way to enter the test is to press the button that is assigned to the z (which is actually the credit but is also assigned to the test for some strange reason that unfortunately I can't find a way to separate the credit from the test).
When you press the z you will enter the test menu. With the x button (which would be the service) you navigate in the menu, and you must enter the Game Option.
When you enter, deactivate the card (and to avoid errors in the game's operation, also deactivate steering power and camera) and with that, exit the game option and press exit, that will save the changes but will not exit the game, you must exit the emulator and re-enter.
And with that you have the mode without card. I hope that helps you.
although if you want to activate all the cups mamefan2018 shared the gecko codes that allow you to do that.