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  1. Hey sorry!! I just had to reinstall the game with a newer plugin and its working for me now. Thank you for the help anyways though!!!
  2. how would i input that into the game?
  3. can someone help me with the audio in sdvx? i cant hear anything when i startup the game
  4. i tried but the plugin didnt even load up
  5. Also, are the newer songs like exlipxe not supposed to be on here? ive already installed all of the music updates and everything and i can find them in the music folder but i cant find some in the actual game. are they hidden? do i need to unlock them somehow lol?
  6. How can I use my headphones in spice64? I tried doing the asus sonic studio thing but the installation fails. Is there any other way that I can use my headphones for it?
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