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  1. I started a universal translation tool, unfortunately real life interrupts, and I have another large non emulation project that will have to come first for the next 6-9 months. Then I hope to get back to some translations.
  2. I patched the Wii game, You Don't Know Jack (SKJE78), to add the 4 DLC packs available on the PS3/X-Box. You Don't Know Jack - Wii, had 73 episodes. PS3 and X-Box had 4 Jack Pack DLCs with 10 episodes each that were not available on the Wii. I saw it on a post on YouTube years ago, and decided the author was never going to release it, so I would have to do it myself. I decrypted the PS3 DLC. Downsized the DDS images and USM Video files. Resampled the FMOD FSB audio files to FSOUND_GCADPCM using a program I wrote to create a document for FMOD Studio containing all the audio files and let it do the conversion. That's about all I remember about doing it last year. Anyway, here it is: The episodes will be locked like all episodes until you finish all episodes before them or use the cheat code to unlock all.
  3. I wrote a utility to patch the in-game text and Test Menu from Japanese to any language. The supplied text files have an English translation, but you can change the text with Goolgle or another translator.
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