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jcstahl1 a gagné pour la dernière fois le 14 décembre

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  1. Tell me what launchers work with these games from your list?
  3. pretty sure it needs to be version 1.02 but haven't tried it. kb + mouse games are not my style until they add proper arcade controls
  4. i personally 100% know this one works and the db backup is directly from the actual game. I test every single thing before I post it.
  5. the pg_backup included is indeed from the original drive drump. pocky had no db dump for some reason, but i I can confirm that the pg_backup that's included in the Orange County Choppers Pinball is from the original hdd drive dump. the dump that everyone has originated from the same group. a very small group that has dumped, backed up, decrtypted, and distrubuted all of these IT games.
  6. yeah..... that exe kinda makes me wanna vomit with how encrypted is for such a shit game in the reality of things lol Global VR somehow nails the best anti piracys measures completely by accident simply becuase of the bullshit they use to even launch the damn game.
  7. or just setup and use the DB that's already in the dump?
  8. and for christ sakes, don't fucking tag people like BigDenny for dumb shit like this.
  9. link is dead
  10. Unity based game exe are easy to decrypt. doesn't help with Lane Masters though.
  11. if BigDenny says its not worth it, then I trust his word.
  12. odds are not good. teratoma is so recursively packed that ghidra & ida won't even open it correctly. cooper's absolutely needs the dongle dump since the dongle itself also contains encrypted data.
  13. those would actually need to have the dongle dumped. this had the dongle dump, just no one even here bothered trying to figure out what you needed to do.
  14. nah. another dev is gonna take care of it first.
  15. Maybe for Christmas, if you all can be good little boys and girls!
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