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  1. ummm.... that's on MAME and it's not PC based hardware
  2. Don't worry everyone. the Golden Tee game dumps will always become available when they get added. there's no need for all of them to be out there, as to avoid people bugging the devs about them. 😉
  3. in your TPUI game settings you need: general - simulate trackback checked general - hidecursor unchecked general - disablehardcodedkeys unchecked for the keyboard buttons to work S = Start Enter = Select Left and Right buttons = hook Mouse = trackball
  4. the controls settings in TP aren't working correctly yet. you can use the hardcoded keys & mouse as mentioned a few posts up.
  5. shouldn't be too hard to make it playable with TP/OpenParrot if/when the dump is public
  6. very nice! glad to see this is getting some work to get the wmmt titles running at least. hopefully whatever code changes/improvement axy is doing for those can help with other titles.
  7. is this from Axy's or Derole's fork, or something new?
  8. Relatively unknown and obscure arcade/shuffleboard game. Linux 32bit based
  9. 2011 will get posted when it needs to be posted.
  10. did you check the first post? there's two links, and one of them still works just fine.
  11. you didn't look very hard. searching for the word harpoon in the 1cc discord finds it quickly. it's a virtual HD file. boots the basic OS if you know how to do it but the game itself is not playable.
  12. jcstahl1

    Bug Busters (PC-Arcade)

    Bug Busters works just fine here. It's just awful and not worth even keeping on my pc.
  13. works with TP (maybe jconfig too but haven't tried it). use the same game profile as 1.10 EDIT: TP update was just pushed that gives it it's own game profile
  14. You're better off sticking with v1.18 and adding the english translation. us has no card saving, and also missing other things that the jpn version has. kind of dumb this was even added.
  15. ummmmmm........
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