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jcstahl1 a gagné pour la dernière fois le 17 septembre

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    5700x RTX3060

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  1. it's already been removed. i shared a link for people in this forum, not to save people from reuploading themselves for sharing elsewhere. and no, you did not credit anyone that you took links from.
  2. Please reupload your own copy and use your own links for download on your website.
  3. exactly. honestly, the controls scheme is going to be a nightmare. two guns per player that both have thumbsticks and buttons. combining the guns in two different ways for different uses. Basically the only way I see any sort of controls working is just using a modern controller with two thumbsticks and no light guns is at all. Basically removing the biggest draw of the game. Unless someone really gets creative with combining functions.
  4. especially when there's no way to actually play any of them currently. even if they download slow, or need restarted, it's still just data storage until someone releases a loader.
  5. Someone is welcome to download the links I posted and reupload them elsewhere if they wish.
  6. if I hadn't tried it myself, I wouldn't have bothered saying they it wasn't going to work and say exactly what would happen if you do. all you did was tell me don't know how to use SegaTools without telling me you don't know how to use SegaTools. the emulation profile for most of the newer Sega stuff isn't in any of the open source TP repos on GitHub, so you can't even edit the source code & recompile to make the necessary changes for it to work.
  7. I'm pretty sure I said that is exactly what it would do 🤦🏻
  8. what do you mean? game is playable now with segatools.
  9. Not going to work in TP. unrecognized CRC error when it tries to load, even with modified xml & json files.
  10. I haven't played enough to notice any bugs or issues, so can't give an honest answer to that either way.
  11. Weird. It's almost like I said that was something you're on your own with.
  12. there's a post from kritbualad if you scroll up a bit with a link that will get you to the right places to find what you seek. happy hunting.
  13. Project Todoroki is the discord server you want to seek out.
  14. you're the first one I've seen that it works for them on an AMD GPU.
  15. sadly, none of the EXVS2 games will run on AMD GPU
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