That worked, thanks! Gonna paste the code I used to get all the SSR chars from the Ongeki game itself, sans event characters:
insert into aime.ongeki_user_card
(user, cardId, digitalStock, analogStock, level, maxLevel, exp, printCount, useCount, isNew, kaikaDate, choKaikaDate, skillId, isAcquired, created)
select 2, osc.cardId, 5, 0, 1, 70, 0, 1, 1, 0, '2024-01-27 16:03:48.7', '2024-01-27 16:03:48.7', osc.skillId, 1, NOW()
FROM aime.ongeki_static_cards osc where name like '%SSR%' and school = '奏坂学園';