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Tout ce qui a été posté par TestingTesting123

  1. Today for a purpose test i have try to add this games on my collection of hypseus installed on a Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS whit "ecosistema" Retropie installed it. i have pick all files here: Create a folder minesweeper.daphne but apparently it's not works and fail to start: Problably i need to rename correctly the files structure: game.singe -> minesweeper.singe But game.singe it's not a usual text file ? And also.. this games it's maded to play whit a mouse and i don't thinks it's good work whit an arcade stick... *EDIT* Ops... I double checked all files and folders. Now it works without problems. Simply need to put all files in a folder minesweeper.singe inside retropie daphne roms path.
  2. First of all... i'm not english.... problably my english it's very BAD... sorry me in advance! OOOHH Finally i can come here and i can also try to share my 'works' whit all community.... I have a little story: About some months ago i have start to play around whit Daphne Games and i start some of my childhood memories on my Retropie setup (i have two different setup over my hand... both of them in NUC Mini PC a Asus VM40B and, at my home, a most recent installation on a Intel NUC whit ssd 480GB 8GB of RAM DDR4 etc etc but this is another story). After i start to play the "original" daphne version of Dragon's Lair 1 and 2 and Space Ace i have reach this forum to know it's also 'available' the fantastic SINGE 2 porting of all three title in a very good Enhancement edition.... OMG!! Start from them and i have start to play whit this fantastic Singe 2 port. End of the story... and come to the very last 5 or 6 days. One of the most famous Singe 2 it's the @Karis video.... it's the main source for Singe 2 video. It's my desire to be focus on very FIRST Dragon's Lair. - Pick current 'hypseus data singe'. Compiled the most recent source of Hypseus himself. Pick the most recent 'Framework" and start to play Dragon's Lair - Singe 2 Ed. After about 10 / 15 minutes i start to play on settings menù.... set Easy as difficult... play whit Resolution of overlay for found the perfect setting for my hardware etc etc but at same time i have START to notice this DLe.singe it's apparently afflicted by some, called it, BUG. And i'm happy to share whit you my works whit all of you..... i have made some development on main DLe.sing and also on current main.singe of framework and after soooooo many testing on my PC i would to share whit you... you can found my last current tested file here: But because someone can be found this work interesting simply i try to explain. Remember... the games it's first Dragon's Lair - Singe 2 ed. using Karis video.: 1 - Start a new match and reach the LEVEL 3 "Breathing Door". Here it's simply. There is a diamond at the UP and a door on right. elseif thisLevel == 3 then if thisScene == 1 then sceneStart = 1864 sceneEnd = 2075 totalMoves = 2 move[1] = {1871, 1896, RIGHT, -1} move[2] = {2039, 2054, PATH, 4} path[2] = {RIGHT, 0, UP, 1004, 0, 0, 0, 0 , OUT} end This is this level on current DLe.singe . It's important look at PATH [2] Moves. Try to explain how it's work: If you don't made move the DEATH SCENE 4 you obtain. If you press UP on main.singe there's a lot of code and also here the DEATH SCENE 4 become. If you click Right you see DIRK exiting from right door. Apparently all it's works correctly but DAMN... the problems become when you play this Singe 2 games whit the 'HITS ENABLED' This FEATURE, at my opinion it's need to be fixed. Whit HITS enabled this scene appears completely different: You see Dirk and the wind that tries to carry him.... if you don't made move the hints (correctly appears on the screen) and you can read "YOU SHOULD CHOOSE A WAY" or somethigs similar and DEATH SCENE 4 become. The same DEATH SCENE 4 become also here you move UP but UP it's a "WRONG CHOICE" and it's how we call a "DEAD END" ways. The problems here it's ONE, you have choice a WRONG way but you can seen anyway on screen a completely useless HINTS (remember if you play this games whit hints enabled). Say "YOU SHOULD TO CHOOSE A WAY" but you have made a choose... yeah but the "Wrong Choose" -> DEAD END... lol. So my question it's........ It's can be SKIPPED THIS HINTS when you choose this DEAD END scene ?!?!!?!?! and answer it's apparently YES!! So you made it possibly simply try to understand the PATH Moves and also how it's works the current framework main.singe. How it's work this PATH Move you can found on Level 5... the DRINK ME level... this: elseif thisLevel == 5 then if thisScene == 1 then sceneStart = 2483 sceneEnd = 2576 totalMoves = 2 move[1] = {2483, 2514, PATH, -1} move[2] = {2517, 2528, PATH, 10} path[1] = {UP, 1009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2} path[2] = {RIGHT, 0, UP, 1009, 0, 0, 0, 0, OUT} end On this level you can see Dirk entering the rooms... there's a potion whit a large DRINK ME advise. LOL. You pick whit UP move. you obtain "you should choose bla bla bla" hints and -> DEATH SCENE 09. Damn because this hints if i dead ? Anyway there's a correct hints here: If you don't made movement here you obtain hints "you should.." and after that DEATH SCENE 10 and Dirk burnt. The problems it's the HINTS screen it's be presented also in some cases when it's not necessary. For all that it's here my 'newest development files'. I have rewrite a lot of code on framework and i have add a new portion of code..... on some PATH move i now trigger the dead scene 2009 and framework made the work to be show the dead scene 09 whitout show HINTS also if it's enabled. I have made this new way because all this required some modification on current framework but same framework it's be SHARED whit other Singe 2 games. So..... all moves like "UP, 100x" can be used in many other games. changing this behavior here could create disasters in other games. So at this point i have CREATED a totally new "situation" expecially for DLe Singe Edition!! So i don't have idea if you understand and if i can explain...if you want to see the difference you simply try one things: 1- BACKUP you current main.singe and you current DLe.singe (i hope you have pick the most recent from 'DirtBagXon' (my it's a fork remember that) 2- Copy this my two files... 3 - Made a MATCH whit this my two files whit HINTS enabled. Rename my files and reput the 'original' files and see the difference. and tell here which is better between the two. Thanks in advance.
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